Peru 2023 – GC Powerlist
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Peru 2023

  • Industries

  • Powerlist

Alejandra Uribe del Águila

Legal manager | Parque Arauco

Consumer products

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Alfonso Rebaza

General counsel | Volcan Compañia Minera

Materials and mining

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Alfonso Aguilar Calvo

Legal director and board secretary | Alfin Banco


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Alvaro Carrasco Benavides

Legal, compliance and ESG vice president | CAMPOSOL

Food, beverages and tobacco

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Alvaro Loredo

General counsel, Andean region | 3M Perú

Industrials and real estate

Anabelí González

Deputy general manager - legal services | Banco BBVA Perú


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André Marcel Robilliard Escobal

Legal director of Peru, director of integrity and compliance Latin America | Adecco Perú

Commercial and professional services

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Andrés Tejada

Compliance officer for Peru and Ecuador | A.P. Moller - Maersk

Transport and infrastructure

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Antonio Olortegui

Legal and compliance director | LATAM Airlines

Transport and infrastructure

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Augusto Astorga Philippon

Legal manager | TGP Perú

Transport and infrastructure

Benito Pedemonte

Chief legal counsel and compliance officer | Marsh McLennan

Commercial and professional services

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Bruno Gonzales Chirinos

General counsel | Banco Bci


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Bruno Souza Rabello Santos

Legal manager | Empresa de Generación Huallaga

Energy and utilities

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Carlos Molinelli

Legal manager | Cementos Pacasmayo

Materials and mining

Carlos Efraín Lee Díaz

Legal advisor | Shougang Hierro Perú

Materials and mining

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Carlos Leon

General counsel and regulatory officer | Kallpa Generación

Energy and utilities

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Carlos Zapata Zegarra

Head of legal and compliance | Bosch (BSH Electrodomésticos SAC)

Consumer products

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César José Canorio Vicuña

Legal manager | Mota-Engil Peru

Materials and mining

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Claudia Torres Salhuana

Legal manager | Abbott Laboratorios


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Claudio Antonio Iparraguirre Camader

Legal head - procedural and regulatory affairs | Corporación Primax

Energy and utilities

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Cynthia Aza Riva

Jefa legal | Corporación Primax

Energy and utilities

Cynthia Herrera

Chief legal counsel - projects, business and compliance | Urbanova Inmobiliaria

Hotels, restaurants and leisure

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Daniel Abramovich

Head of legal and corporate affairs | Enel Distribución Perú

Energy and utilities

Daniel Quiñones Raffo

Legal and institutional relations manager | Entel Perú


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Daniella Ponce Rázuri

Legal and compliance director | Prosegur Peru

Information technology

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Dante Francisco Ontaneda Gonzalez

Legal manager | Pesquera Exalmar

Consumer products

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Daphne Zagal Otiniano

Vice president legal, compliance and risk management | AFP Integra


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Eduardo Incio

General counsel | Compañía Eléctrica El Platanal - Celepsa

Energy and utilities

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Eduardo Romero Indacochea

Group general counsel | STRACON

Materials and mining

Edwin Bustinza Lozada

Head of compliance | Compañía de Minas Buenaventura

Materials and mining

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Elva Moran Rodriguez

Legal director | Procter & Gamble Peru

Industrials and real estate

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Erika Castillo Rafael

Corporate legal manager, compliance officer | GRUPO EFE

Consumer products

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Esteban Salmón Hernández

Legal counsel | Aguaytía Energy del Perú

Energy and utilities

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Fernando Devoto A.

General counsel | Grupo Gloria

Food, beverages and tobacco

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Fiorella Chávez Acosta

Legal manager | Imagina Grupo Inmobiliario

Industrials and real estate

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Francisco Guillermo Rivandeneira Gastañeta

Legal vice president and corporate secretary | Scotiabank Peru


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Francisco Javier Ibazeta Navarro

Chief legal officer | Cumbra Perú

Transport and infrastructure

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Gabriel Musso

Chief legal officer | Andean Telecom Partners


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Gianmarco Tagliarino

General counsel and corporate affairs vice president | BRECA


Gillian Paredes Guerrero

Legal counsel | Luz del Sur

Energy and utilities

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Gisella Domecq Garcés

Legal manager | Antamina

Materials and mining

Gloria Irene Loza Murrugarra

Legal and corporate affairs manager | Sky Peru

Transport and infrastructure

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Guido M. Bocchio

Legal and natural resources manager | Southern Peru Copper Corporation

Materials and mining

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Guillermo Cabieses

Managing director and general counsel | Nexus Group


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Gulnara La Rosa

Legal and compliance manager, general counsel | Compañía de Minas Buenaventura

Materials and mining

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Héctor Figari

Director of government affairs, Andean South Region | Microsoft

Information technology

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Hernán Velando Gómez

Legal chief | Trabajos Marítimos – TRAMARSA

Transport and infrastructure

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Ignacio Rizo-Patrón Pinillos

Legal manager | Ingram Micro

Consumer products

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Ingrid Yusara Mendoza Durand

Legal manager, regulatory and compliance | Perufarma


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Jaime Rinaldi Mansilla

General counsel and compliance officer Perú | Hochschild Mining

Materials and mining

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Javier Agustín Valencia Dongo Cardenas

Manager of legal affairs and corporate relations | Arca Continental Lindley

Food, beverages and tobacco

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Javier Calmell del Solar

Legal director and corporate affairs | InRetail

Consumer products

Javier Durand Planas

General counsel | Cementos Pacasmayo

Materials and mining

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Javier Echecopar Sabogal

Corporate legal manager | Intercorp Retail

Consumer products

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Jessica Jiménez

Legal and corporate affairs manager | Inca Rail, a Carlyle group company

Consumer products

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Jorge Arias Valencia

Head of legal and corporate affairs | Terpel Peru

Energy and utilities

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Jose Enrique Frías Amat y León

Legal corporate manager | Grupo Intercorp

Commercial and professional services

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José Nicolás Asti Heredia



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Juan Antonio Castro Molina

Corporate vice president and general counsel | Grupo Intercorp

Commercial and professional services

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Juan Carlos Bustamante Gonzales

General counsel and secretary to the board | Banco de la Nación


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Juan Chacón

Senior managing counsel | Valero Perú

Energy and utilities

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Juan Francisco Garagorri Valle

Legal manager and normative compliance officer | ICBC Peru Bank


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Juan José Ardiles Maica

Corporate legal and compliance manager | Farmex

Food, beverages and tobacco

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Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez

Legal and compliance manager | San Miguel Industrias

Food, beverages and tobacco

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Karen Ames Vasquez

Vice president of legal and compliance | Sigma Safi


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Karina Aliz Lanfranco

Legal manager | CBC Peruana

Food, beverages and tobacco

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Kristiam Martín Veliz Soto

Legal and corporate affairs manager | AMG – Auplata Mining Group Peru

Materials and mining

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Liliana Beatriz Astorga Rojas

Legal manager | GEPAE

Commercial and professional services

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Lorena Carrillo

General counsel for Peru, Eduador and Chile | Citibank


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Luis Felipe Alfaro Garrath

Director of legal and regulatory affairs | Farmacias Peruanas


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M. Adrián Pastor Torres

General counsel Auna Peru | AUNA


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Marcel Cordero

Director of legal and compliance | Alicorp

Food, beverages and tobacco

Marcela Villavicencio Arana

General counsel Peru and chief complaince officer regional Latin America and Peru | Repsol

Energy and utilities

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Maria del Pilar Oviedo

Deputy legal and compliance manager | Ripley Perú

Consumer products

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María José Puertas

General counsel | Grupo Emefin – QSI

Industrials and real estate

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Mariana Olivares Maldonado

Legal and corporate affairs director | Sodexo Peru

Consumer products

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Marisol lorena Cuadros Garaycochea

Chief legal officer | FIBRAS INDUSTRIALES

Materials and mining

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Micaela Canelo Llanos

Legal and corporate compliance analyst | Cementos Pacasmayo

Materials and mining

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Miguel Angel Raygada Castillo

Manager of the legal and the general secretariat division | Banco GNB Perú


Focus on: The career of Miguel Angel Raygada Castillo Miguel Angel Raygada Castillo graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, and is a recognised expert in financial regulation, legal...

Milagros Gómez Sánchez Cannani

Legal and administration manager | Toyota del Perú

Consumer products

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Nelson Antonio Bértoli Bryce

Vice president of compliance and legal counsel | Banco Pichincha


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Omar Valle Vera

Legal manager | PA PERU

Industrials and real estate

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Patricia Brocos

Legal director - Perú | Credicorp Capital


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Patricia Kosa Muñoz

Legal and compliance director | Gold Fields La Cima

Materials and mining

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Paul Ramsey Calle

Legal director and corporate affairs | Urbanova Inmobiliaria

Industrials and real estate

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Paulo César Isla Rodriguez

Deputy manager of legal advice | Banco de Crédito del Peru


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Pedro Antonio Beraún Cadenillas

Legal corporate manager | CERÁMICA LIMA

Industrials and real estate

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Rafael Aysanoa Pasco

Legal manager | Corporación Primax

Energy and utilities

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Rafael Arturo Melgarejo Dávila

Head of legal Perú | Angloamerican Perú (Quellaveco Operation)

Materials and mining

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Rafael Gutierrez Euribe

Peru legal manager | A.P. Moller - Maersk

Transport and infrastructure

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Raúl Galdo

Deputy CEO and general counsel | Viettel Peru S.A. - BITEL


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Raúl Pizarro

Legal director | Backus Corporativo

Food, beverages and tobacco

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Renzo Abanto Bossio

Corporate finance legal manager | DANPER TRUJILLO

Food, beverages and tobacco

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Ricardo Andres Velarde Friedl

General counsel, ANDINO and Chile | Mondelēz Peru


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Ricardo Sousa

Legal and compliance manager | Banco Ripley Perú


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Richard Cazorla Ausejo

Legal and public affairs manager | DELOSI

Hotels, restaurants and leisure

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Richard Antonio Castillo Zúñiga

Legal and sustainability manager | CONTUGAS

Energy and utilities

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Roxana Guzmán

Manager of legal affairs | Hunt Oil Company of Peru

Energy and utilities

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Samir Ziane

Cheif legal officer | Minera Chinalco Perú

Materials and mining

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Selim Erdil Guvener

General counsel and board secretary | CGIAR International Potato Center (CIP)

Non - profit

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Sheila La Serna

Chief legal officer | Profuturo


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Solange Cuadros Ramirez

Legal affairs director | PERU LNG

Energy and utilities

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Soraya Ahomed

Head of LCA I&N, market, services and Enel X Perú | Enel Distribución Perú

Energy and utilities

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Stephanie Dávila Ballón

Legal manager | Fabrica Peruana Eternit

Materials and mining

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Viveca Amoros Kohn    

Legal manager | National Confederation of Private Business Institutions (CONFIEP)

Commercial and professional services

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Viviana Castellares Sánchez

Legal manager | Nissan Perú

Consumer products

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Walter Alvarez Meza

General counsel | Niubiz

Information technology

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Zelma Acosta-Rubio

Executive vice-president of corporate and legal affairs | Interbank


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It was a particular honour to lead the research for The Legal 500 GC Powerlist: Peru, 2023, covering the best in-house legal talent within the region. The great enthusiasm of the lawyers that we spoke to was outstanding and inspiring, but the sheer level of innovative work that has been carried out in this region is even more spectacular. Interviews in this edition touch on the challenges that esteemed counsel have faced in the past year, the impact of technological advancement on legal work, and causes, business related or otherwise, that the in-house lawyers are passionate about.  

In-house counsel in this edition shared their biggest struggles of the past years, and the ways that they overcome such struggles, highlighting their immense ability to be flexible and adapt to the fast-changing legal and economic environment. This was emphasised by Carlos Zapata Zegarra, head of legal and compliance at Bosch (BSH Electrodomésticos SAC), who stated that, ‘On top of the non-optimal worldwide context, the political crisis in Peru and the region, in general, led us to massive challenges.’ Raúl Pizarro, legal director at Backus Corporative highlighted the challenges of the ever-evolving role of in-house legal counsel, stating that ‘The in-house legal department of a large corporation is no longer classified as a back-office service, our role is clearly leading, our internal clients need us on the front line, by their side, actively participating in business decision-making, identifying risks, managing contingencies and promptly activating the measures envisioned by law to keeping active the license to operate and commercialise.’  

In spite of the overall uncertainty of global and local markets following the Covid-19 pandemic, esteemed counsel in this publication were delighted to share how technological advancements will benefit the role of in-house counsel in the near future. Javier Durand Planas, general counsel of Cementos Pacasmayo, emphasised this point, stating that ‘AI and machine learning will definitely continue to help in the automation of legal processes for instance through smart contracts, which will automate repetitive and low-complexity tasks, enabling legal teams to focus on more strategic and complex issues.’ However, this advancement does not come without potential challenges, as emphasised by Patricia Kosa Muñoz, legal and compliance director at Gold Fields La Cima, who stated that ‘These advancements may introduce new challenges such as data privacy and cybersecurity concerns. As legal professionals, we must remain abreast of legal and regulatory changes in the technology space and utilise our knowledge to provide guidance to the company. 

In-house counsel also took the time to share a cause, business related or otherwise, that they care about and why. The answers to this question were truly insightful, showing the passions and personality of the in-house lawyers in Peru. Responses included gender equality, ESG, diversity and inclusion, and health and safety within the business.  

We would like to congratulate and thank all the in-house counsel featured in this edition on their incredible achievements in the legal industry, and on joining the list of hundreds of the most trusted, effective and innovative in-house lawyers across the globe. It was a pleasure to speak to all included and gain insight into the markets of Peru. 


Elena Lewis | Lead researcher: GC Powerlist Peru 2023 

GC Powerlist: Greece & Cyprus 2024

On October 17th, The Legal 500, in collaboration with Andersen Legal, Ioannides Demetriou, and Nobel, proudly launched the GC Powerlist: Greece & Cyprus 2024. The highly anticipated event was held at the stunning Four Seasons Astir Palace Hotel in Athens, bringing together the most prominent and accomplished in-house lawyers from Greece and Cyprus to celebrate their remarkable achievements.

The evening began with a warm welcome from Francisco Castro, the publication’s editorial lead from The Legal 500. His opening remarks set an enthusiastic tone, underscoring the significance of the GC Powerlist in recognising the country’s most outstanding in-house legal professionals. Francisco elaborated on the rigorous selection process, commending the honourees for their notable contributions to the legal field. He also shared key insights from the research, highlighting the impressive work of those selected.

Following Francisco’s introduction, Christina Ioannidou, director at Ioannides Demetriou, took the stage to offer her heartfelt congratulations to the GC Powerlist recipients. She was followed by Theodore Pistiolis, managing partner at Andersen Legal, who also delivered a congratulatory speech. Both speakers emphasised the vital role in-house lawyers play in supporting businesses and driving legal excellence. Their speeches were a testament to the hard work and dedication of those recognised in the publication.

Concluding the speeches, Ioannis Moutzouridis, chief legal officer at EYDAP, addressed his peers with an inspiring presentation. Drawing on his own experiences, he highlighted the exceptional accomplishment of being named to the GC Powerlist and emphasised the importance of continuous growth and collaboration within the legal community. His words resonated with the audience, celebrating the collective success of the in-house legal professionals present.

Overall, the launch event for the GC Powerlist: Greece & Cyprus 2024 was a resounding success. It honoured the most distinguished in-house lawyers in the region, showcasing the immense talent within the in-house counsel community. The evening further solidified The Legal 500’s commitment to recognising and promoting their exceptional contributions to the legal profession.

The Legal 500 extends its sincere gratitude to its key partners in both Greece and Cyprus for their invaluable support and looks forward to returning next year for its annual GC Summit events in each jurisdiction.