Beatrice Nelson-Beer – GC Powerlist
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Benelux 2023

Food, beverages and tobacco

Beatrice Nelson-Beer

Chief legal officer - international head of legal, regulatory affairs, compliance and human resources | PM-International


Benelux 2023

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Beatrice Nelson-Beer

Chief legal officer - international head of legal, regulatory affairs, compliance and human resources | PM-International

Team size: 25

What has been the number one challenge that has impacted you over the past year?

The biggest issue has been adapting to significant world events. Finding the best way to deal with the impact of the global pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the accompanying energy crisis, on an economic and human level has been difficult. In short, employee expectations have changed significantly, alongside the economic landscape. All these challenges are being faced while implementing ESG guidelines across our businesses.

Do you have an example of a time when you have come up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works that did not result in a large expense?

Innovation is truly relative because it literally means novelty or renewal – any change requires a willingness to transform existing structures. By collaborating and defining new workflows between our IP lawyers and our compliance team, we were able to achieve results worldwide faster and more efficiently. As a result, the company saved money and significantly reduced overall risks. This process emphasised the importance of communication and teamwork in innovation and general business success.

What would you say are the unique qualities required to be successful as an in-house lawyer in your industry?

Key qualities of a successful general counsel include a high level of adaptability and integrity. However, I have learned that while having legal aptitude is important, the ability to cooperate and interact with your team is a prerequisite for success. It is a balancing act to lead and also create an environment encourages team development. Approachability is a key attribute, alongside loyalty, and strong working relationships at all business levels.

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Chief legal officer, head of legal, regulatory affairs, compliance and human resources | pm international

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Chief legal officer | PM-International

Right from the start of her career, PM-International’s chief legal officer Beatrice Nelson-Beer made the conscious decision to give her work an international approach. Something which Nelson-Beer admits ‘put her...

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