Seçkin Cemiloğlu – GC Powerlist
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Turkey 2019

Commercial and professional services

Seçkin Cemiloğlu

Legal affairs manager | Çelebi Aviation Holding


Turkey 2019

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Seçkin Cemiloğlu

Legal affairs manager | Çelebi Aviation Holding

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Seçkin Cemiloğlu - Turkey 2017

Legal manager | ALD Automotive Türkiye

Over the course of his seven year professional legal career, Seçkin Cemiloğlu has been exposed to handling a wide range of legal matters at both multinational and local companies. He...

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What are the most important transactions and litigations that you have been involved in during the last two years?

As Çelebi is one of the biggest team player for the aviation business, we were subject to ‘’Big Move’’ which was transferring all of our business with our all materials and the equipment from ‘’Atatürk International Airport’’ to ‘’Istanbul International Airport’’ on 5th of April 2019 less than 45 hours. As we are serving for many of Airline Company for ground handling; it was a big challenge to move to a new airport while the operation is ongoing and the flights to Istanbul are still in operation with arrivals and departures. By this ‘’big move’’; all contracts related with our business with the airport authority; negotiated for months and after the heavy and challenged negotiation period we finalised and signed all the new contracts with the new airport authority.

So; related with this ‘’big move’’ it was one of the most important transaction which was the key transaction for the next ten years I have been involved on behalf of my company.

Additionally; one of the other most important transaction was a due diligence period for one of the company in aviation business, operating in a different region where Çelebi haven’t been appointed before. It has been hard working period with all the teams of Çelebi such as project management, finance and development department as well. As a result of this hard working and challenged due diligence period finally Çelebi decided to move for M&A transaction.

What will be the main focus for the company in the next 12 months and how do you intend to assist with this?

In the next 12 months the main focus will be; serving our customers according to the new contracts signed with the new airport authority. I have already prepared a contract check-list and assigned the departments and employees. By this check-list I am planning to prevent contractual breaches before arising.

Also one of the main focus is to prove shareholders and stoke holders public held; Çelebi Aviation Holding is one of the biggest multinational team player for the aviation sector and never stops improving by the new technologies and investments. Thus; to intend to assist my company accordingly the focus areas; I am planning to work more closely with the executive management and also planning to have more assistance via the new technologies and outsource support respecting for the special areas.

How do you suggest in-house lawyers build strong relationships with business partners?

I always suggest in-house lawyers to be more efficient for their company by involving all the new transactions in cooperation with the other departments of the company.  I strongly suggest them adding values to their company’s strategy and vision-mission rather than just focusing only the legal issues. And also strong communication skill is the key for the in-house lawyers as well.

As a result of a new generation has been started to work as professionals; it is also critical to understand new generation needing, feelings and type of working parameters.

It is also important always follow up the developments of the company and being updated. So as an in-house lawyer if you want to build strong relationships with business partners; I have to highlight that paying attention and emphasis on the internal business partners as much as external business partners. Never to forget that the improvement always starts by internally and expanding more efficient to externally.

What “legal tech” products do you currently utilise, and do you foresee implementing more of these in the near future?

Currently we are not utilising much legal tech but we are planning to implement contract and compliance tools in the near future.

As I mentioned before this is one of the important issue to improve in-house legal department more efficient and main business partners for the companies. So; for the near future I am working closely with our Information Technology Department to find best match for our requirements to work more efficient.

Have any new laws, regulations or judicial decisions greatly impacted your company’s business or your legal practice?

We are following all the new regulations and juridical decisions but as we are serving for very different type of business, we are not having too many regulations affect us directly.

But as well as Çelebi is one of the multinational biggest team player, we always have a right evaluate on new regulations before publishing.

What do you feel are the most effective techniques for getting the most out of external counsel, in terms of how to instruct them?

I think the most effective techniques for getting the most out of external counsel is to keep updated regularly time bases. Also having a clear communication about their assistance will be most effective technique.

My effective technique is to have also oral communication rather than just posting an e-mail. By this oral communication I could underline the importance of the task given them and make them feel also the external counsel shall named as a legal team of the company they are assisting to.

FOCUS ON: In-house success

Working with high range of legal teams externally shall only be effective with an efficient and strong organisation of internal legal team. One of the key to be a strong player in the sector that the company operating; is having a high level legal department and involve the legal department with all the new transaction regarding to development of the companies.

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