Diana Imbach Haumueller – GC Powerlist
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Switzerland 2024


Diana Imbach Haumueller

Head legal and compliance asset management | Helvetia Insurance Group


Switzerland 2024


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Diana Imbach Haumueller

Head legal and compliance asset management | Helvetia Insurance Group

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience? 

Obviously, organisations must react quickly to crises and uncertainty. But during such phases it is equally important to keep calm. I believe this is a key role of the legal team, and especially its leader, as it is important that legal matters remain under control even during challenging times. If you can hold your head above water during such times, it is easier to realign strategically, once the storm is over. 

To lead a legal team during such times is a challenge. But in principle, this is a classic strategic tension you encounter in every management context. By segregating my team members between those who are holding the flag high on a daily business and those focusing on the new challenges, I can ensure both optimal alignment with the broader business strategy and resilience. At the same time, this helps me to use my resources in a sustainable way. This is necessary, as crises and uncertainties often tend to stick around for a while. 

Despite all the challenges, it is also important to make time for the team. Especially in difficult times, it is often the inspiring collaboration with colleagues that keeps people highly motivated. Hence, the time in a shared lunch or after-work drinks is usually well-invested. 


How do you prioritise diversity and inclusion within your legal department, and what initiatives have you implemented to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment? 

I am convinced that diversity and inclusion are a key success factor for any team. Therefore, when recruiting I focus also on these aspects. I am lucky enough to work in an environment where I am flexible to accommodate specific needs, for example, for working parents or ambitioned athletes. Together with an open mind, innovative working models such as home and flex office as well as a true spirit to use those models helped me to build a highly competent, diverse, and inclusive team. 

Especially in challenging times, it is crucial to have a motivated team. This promotes efficiency and resilience, which is a key element for a high-performing legal team. I truly believe that more diverse and inclusive teams are in a better shape to tackle the challenges of today’s work environment. 



Diana Imbach Haumueller - Switzerland 2023

Head legal and compliance Asset Management | Helvetia Insurance Group

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Diana Imbach Haumueller

Head legal and compliance Asset Management

Helvetia Insurance Group

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