Djamel El Akra – GC Powerlist
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Southeast Asia 2017

Djamel El Akra

Legal and compliance manager | Thalias


Southeast Asia 2017

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Djamel El Akra

Legal and compliance manager | Thalias


Alongside his day-today work as legal and compliance manager for Thalias, Djamel El Akra is dedicated to human rights and academia, serving as a lecturer of law and an avid partaker of numerous knowledge group organisations. Currently, El Akra primarily serves as the legal and compliance manager for Thalias, a leading hospitality company established in the Kingdom of Cambodia. In this role he advises the company on all trademark and intellectual property cases, helping them maintain their 20 year reputation in the Cambodian premier luxury hospitality industry. Fluent in four languages, El Akra’s background in international law spans a number of global roles, one of which was based in Italy. For the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law he advised in the context of preparation of the UNIDROIT-FAO legal guide on contract farming. El Akra also had a stint as an executive director for the Chamber de commerce et d’industrie France Cambodge, which required his coordination with the European Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia. In between his legal roles, El Akra lectures at the Royal University of Law and Economics and Pour un Sourire d’Enfant (PSE), a non-profit organisation established in Cambodia to provide resources to destitute, maltreated and uneducated children.

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