Olympic Peru – GC Powerlist
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Peru Teams 2019

Olympic Peru

| Olympic Peru


Peru Teams 2019


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Olympic Peru


Olympic Peru is dedicated to the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons in the Block 13 zone located in Piura, producing approximately 9% of the total oil production of the country. The legal team is in charge of all the legal aspects of the company as well as all the related companies in the group. The latter includes various businesses such as those focused on hydrocarbon exploration in the Peruvian jungle, electric generation, oil and gas wells drilling and gas pipeline construction. Legal manager Rodrigo Manrique Garcia leads the Olympic Peru legal team, which is made up of two senior employees: Luis Del Campo Ampuero as regulatory senior legal advisor and Jorge Temple Aguilar as chief of labour relations. ‘Our team is structured in two sections, one is focused on the development and feasibility of the projects and the business of the company, the other is in charge of handling the legal contingency, mainly labour contingency’, explains Garcia. The team has recently been involved in several new projects, including the inclusion of the new set of rules regarding the delicate topics of money laundering, financing of terrorism and compliance regulations in place in the country and in the company. ‘We have taken several key responsibilities in the compliance program and we are putting our efforts to increase our attention to the diligence required by these programs’, says Garcia. The team has also been tasked with the inclusion of OKR and KPIs in the area, a feature which has enabled the legal team to quantify its work within the business: ‘Since we are handling several issues difficult to quantify and predict, it has been a challenge to include an indicator that reflects our success and [the] excellent work that our team does’, says Garcia.

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Rodrigo Manrique García

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