Nord Pool – GC Powerlist
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Norway Teams 2018


Nord Pool

| Nord Pool


Norway Teams 2018

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Nord Pool

‘The role of the legal team is pivotal in shaping the future market environment in which Nord Pool is going to operate and expand in the years to come’, states...

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Nord Pool runs the largest market for electrical energy in Europe, operating in nine countries. Despite its wide reach, it is a relatively small company and its legal team reflects this – just four lawyers, including general counsel Camilla Berg, are spread across Norway, the UK and Germany. Three years ago, under new regulation, Nord Pool was able to expand its business into Central European markets including Germany, France and the Netherlands. As a result the legal team’s responsibility greatly increased, particularly in areas such as competition law where it is now being asked for advice on matters regarding pricing strategy and new product development. ‘None of us has the luxury of leaning back and saying that a task is someone else’s job,’ says Berg. ‘This requires spontaneity, curiosity, persistence and creativity. It also offers unique opportunities to learn how to handle issues which are “outside the strictly legal box” like business development, strategy, market operations or finance.’ The new regulation, known as the “CACM” regulation, requires common governance structures between stakeholders operating across the European electricity transmission system. Nord Pool’s legal team has been actively involved in the negotiation of multi-party agreements. To facilitate the new regulation, at the beginning of this year, Nord Pool decided to split the company into two separate legal entities. The split – which will be implemented in November 2018 – has seen the legal team, in particular Berg, become heavily involved in advising the board on the separation of task, agreements and employees, and in setting up service level agreements which enable both entities to provide the other with required services on an arm’s length basis.

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Camilla Berg

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Camilla Berg

General counsel

Nord Pool

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