Etihad Aviation Group – GC Powerlist
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Middle East Teams 2018

Transport and infrastructure

Etihad Aviation Group

| Etihad Aviation Group


Middle East Teams 2018

Recommended Team

Etihad Aviation Group


Locked in a fierce rivalry with other Gulf carriers such as Qatar Air and fellow UAE-based carrier Emirates, Etihad has been engaged in somewhat of a transformation lately. With the company’s product being regarded as excellent by customers and analysts alike, the focus of the company is now on tightening up the commercial sustainability of the business. The Etihad Aviation Group legal team, led by general counsel and company secretary Henning zur Hausen, has a major role to play in this initiative, with the team’s knowledge of the company’s operations proving invaluable to these efforts. It also has to deal with a myriad of other complex issues to deal with. As well as gearing up for international data protection and passenger regulatory requirements, it is increasingly required to manage conflicting obligations from jurisdictions as time goes on. To help deal with these, the team has built up a global network of contacts that allow it to remain abreast of developments across the company’s geographically enormous area of operations.

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Henning zur Hausen

General counsel and company secretary

Etihad Aviation Group

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Henning zur Hausen

General counsel and company secretary

Etihad Aviation Group

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