Saud Al-Motawa – GC Powerlist
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Middle East 2019

Saud Al-Motawa

Senior legal counsel | Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (KUFPEC)


Middle East 2019

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Saud Al-Motawa

Senior legal counsel | Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (KUFPEC)

Saud Al-Motawa - Middle East 2022

Senior legal counsel | Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company

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An expert energy sector lawyer, Saud Al-Motawa spent five years with Kuwait Petroleum Corporation between 2008 and 2013 and is in his sixth year with Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (KUFPEC), where he is senior legal counsel and takes charge of all M&A, operational and corporate legal matters in North America, the UK and Yemen among other responsibilities. In this capacity he has been able to oversee some extremely exciting projects. ‘The successful acquisition of KUFPEC’s assets in Kaybob, Alberta, Canada, and the setting up of KUFPEC Canada’s registration at the authorities, developing the organisational structure, internal policies, delegation of authorities, and the development of standard forms was a major highlight’, Al-Motawa says. Unsurprisingly, these projects are not without obstacles that must be overcome, and Al-Motawa is no stranger to having to surmount these: ‘KUFPEC’s project in the UK North Sea in Alma Galia fields was subject to several parliamentary discussions and queries due to the losses it generated. It escalated to the point that the oil minister was grilled, and the Council of Ministers conducted investigations. At the same time, KUFPEC was in a litigation with the operator, and had to manage the project alongside the operator to ensure proper management of the activities. Leading the legal aspects of a project of such political sensitivity developed my skills in managing internal and external risks, including managing the stakeholders’ expectations and addressing their concerns’. Al-Motawa is rigorous in choosing the right law firms to work with on a given project, having developed a selection process. ‘This increases clarity for the client and firm and increases the competitiveness of the process which usually results in greater value’ he says. ‘Also, such a process enables us to obtain the highest possible level of quality in legal representation and legal consultation’.

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