Vestas México – GC Powerlist
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Mexico Teams 2019

Vestas México

| Vestas México


Mexico Teams 2019

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Vestas México

Led by Mario Barreiro, Latin America regional legal counsel, the legal team at Vestas México are experts in energy law and international law with exceptional business acumen. Vestas, headquartered in...

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The Vestas México legal department helped secure the deal for the 306 MW Mesa la Paz wind park through a corporate power purchase agreement with the AES Corporation and Grupo BAL, in a joint venture.
The Danish multi-national wind power infrastructure company has continued to invest in Mexico, installing turbines producing 1.3 GW in the Tamaulipas area alone, involving ongoing support from the legal team.
The legal department has assisted this expansion through expert guidance in terms of preparations for auctions, power purchase agreements and other commercial and regulatory requirements.

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