Latin America Private Equity 2024 – GC Powerlist
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Latin America Private Equity 2024

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Alan Parker

Vice president and Brazil legal counsel | EIG Brazil


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Alfredo Apéstegui

Chief legal officer | Mesoamerica Investments


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Amália Costa

Legal manager | Volkswagen Brasil

Consumer products

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Amanda McGrady Morrison

General counsel | Advent International


Ana Lith Ramirez Aragon

Senior associate, legal | Fondos Sura SAF - Sura Investment


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Ana Maria Bernal

Legal and corporate affairs manager | PEI Asset Management


Andrés Traversaro

Lead counsel | BC Energy

Energy and utilities

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Anna Dutra

General counsel | Avenue


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Antonio Peñaloza Perez

General counsel, Mexico | Global Payments


Bruno Gonzales Chirinos

Legal manager | Banco Bci Perú


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Carlos Rave Varón

General counsel | Valorem


Diana Bogotá

Legal counsel | IDB Invest


Diego Corp

Chief legal officer | Verano Energy

Energy and utilities

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Dolores de Elizalde

Legal advisor | Southern Cross Group


Edgardo Cavalié

Managing director, chief legal officer and general counsel | Enfoca


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Felipe Barbosa

General counsel | Alfa


Francisco Rivadeneira

Legal vice president and company secretary | Scotiabank


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Gianmarco Tagliarino

General counsel and corporate affairs vice president | BRECA


Gonzalo Spada

Senior legal counsel | Pomelo


Gordon Cruess

Managing director | General Atlantic


Guillermo Cabieses

Managing director, general counsel | Nexus Group


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Hernan Da Silva Artero

Regional legal manager | Puente


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Juan Martinez

Legal director | Artha Capital

Industrial and real estate

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Juan Pablo Aspe

Vice president, legal counsel | Macquarie Capital


Julian Graciano

Legal vice president | Yellowstone Capital Partners


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Karim Abuid

General counsel | BTG Pactual


Larissa Sabino

Legal, compliance and regulatory director | Patria Investments


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Lucas Cuartas Gómez

Senior vice president, private credit | Sura Investment Management


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Manuel Salas

Director and chief legal officer | Grupo Cuestamoras


Marcelo Araujo Pereira

Chief legal officer | Nelogica

Information technology

Margarita Suarez Camargo

General legal counsel and corporate secretary, BBVA Valores | BBVA


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Maria Fernanda Acosta

Legal advisor | Fondo Latinoamericano de Reservas


Marita Bellido

Senior legal counsel, M&A international banking | Scotiabank


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Mariza Gomez

Legal manager | HPL Apollo

Energy and utilities

Mauricio Balbi

Regional general counsel | AUNA


Midori Makiyama

Legal counsel | Crédit Agricole CIB


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Mónica Andapia

Legal director | Goldman Sachs


Monica Ierullo

Executive and legal director | The Forest Company


Patricia Brocos

Legal director | Credicorp Capital


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Peter de Svastich

Managing director | Global Emerging Markets


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Raphaela Vasconcelos

General counsel and chief compliance officer | Canvas Capital Brasil


Rodrigo Moreira

General counsel, Brazil | Mubadala Capital


Roger Saldana

General counsel | Cemex

Materials and mining

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Sara Rodríguez Gómez

Legal senior manager, corporate | The Home Depot

Consumer products

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Thomas Heather

Legal senior vice president | Macquaire Asset Management


As the GC Powerlist series expands, our aim is to create editions that spotlight individuals excelling in realms that may have previously eluded our attention. As investors increasingly turn to Private Equity for higher returns and strategic investments, specialised firms equipped with deep industry knowledge and transactional expertise are becoming indispensable. These companies facilitate complex deal structures, conduct meticulous due diligence, and navigate regulatory landscapes with expertise. 

Targeting areas for expansion within the GC Powerlist series depends on various factors such as emerging trends, industry developments, and the evolving needs of the legal community. Latin America was seen has the perfect setting given the continuous growth and demand for organisations specialised in Private Equity, as well as the great quality and talent of individuals based in the region.  

Accordingly, we are proud to introduce you to this very special edition of the GC Powerlist: Latin America Private Equity 2024. 

The interviews you can exclusively read in this publication were enlightening and provided fresh perspectives not only on how investment firms are utilising their legal experts to increase their gains, but also how difficult and unique of an environment the Latin American region is. “Latin American market’s economic stability and political dynamics vary widely, adding layers of complexity to legal strategies”, as recognised by Diego Corp Hoces de la Guardia, general counsel at Verano Energy, who also advises that “[r]emaining vigilant to navigate intricate regulations and ensure strict compliance is an ongoing commitment. The ever-changing political and economic dynamics necessitate a proactive stance to anticipate and mitigate potential risks. Constructing legal strategies that adeptly account for these uncertainties while still aligning with business goals is a constant juggling act.” 

Another great look at the Latin American scene when dealing in Private Equity is the perspective shared by Alfredo Apestegui, principal and chief legal officer at Mesoamerica, who states that “[d]oing Private Equity deals in Latin America has taught me several important lessons (…) there is no such thing as a “LATAM deal”, as every country is very different in terms of legal, political and macro environment, so having the right local partners and advisors is key”, a view that clearly manifests the great challenges that in-house lawyers face in this quite specialised sector of the legal industry. 

Despite challenges and difficulties, our interviews also reveal the great and many favourable outcomes that are result of these brilliant lawyers’ hard work. As Julian Graciano, legal vice president at Yellowstone Capital Partners notably expresses: “[s]eeing the positive impact of our investments in the environment and the lives of so many people and communities while meeting the expectations of our investors is the most rewarding experience of working as an in-house lawyer”. This sentiment was inferred during the interviews conducted, as there seems to be a collective deep fulfilment to see how their legal expertise contributes to sustainable development, social progress and economic growth, while also aligning with generally accepted values and commitments. 

The in-house lawyers deservedly featured in this special edition of the GC Powerlist strike the perfect balance between achieving financial objectives and fostering meaningful change, underscoring the profound impact legal experts can have in society. On behalf of The Legal 500, would like to introduce you to the most diligent and expert in-house lawyers in the field of Private Equity based in Latin America, and congratulate them for this terrific achievement. 


Francisco Faria e Castro 

Editorial lead 

In-House Legal Research Team | GC Powerlist Series 


DLA Piper in Latin America’s Team offers full-service business legal counsel to domestic and multinational companies with interests in and operations throughout the region.  Our integrated approach to serving clients combines local knowledge with the resources of the DLA Piper global platform.  With over 450 lawyers practicing throughout Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Puerto Rico, in addition to our US-based cross-border attorneys, our teams frequently work with our professionals throughout the LatAm region, Iberian Peninsula, and around the globe.

A number of our lawyers were born or raised and educated in the region and are fluent in Spanish and/or Portuguese.  Many have also practiced law in both the US and Latin America and are intimately familiar with civil law systems and with the cultural and legal nuances required to successfully do business in the region.  Our strategic relationships on the ground throughout Latin America enhance our understanding of the region and enable us to provide our clients practical, meaningful legal advice.  DLA Piper’s global platform of 90+ offices in more than 40 countries enables us to serve all of our clients’ legal needs, whether they are based in Latin America or wish to do business there.

The United States, specifically New York and Florida, has deep economic and cultural ties to Latin America.  After many decades of being at the center of the most complex cross-border matters related to Latin America, New York law is firmly established as the most widely accepted applicable/governing law on cross-border transactions related to Latin America.

Our US based team of Latin America practitioners regularly acts as lead counsel on a wide range of cross-border matters in Latin America, ranging from complex capital markets, finance and M&A matters to public private partnerships and market entry and establishment issues.  For more information, visit Latin America | DLA Piper.

GC Powerlist: Philippines Teams 2024

For our second edition of the Legal 500’s GC Powerlist: Philippines, we decided to turn the focus of the publication on to legal teams rather than individual lawyers, based on conversations we had with in-house and private practice lawyers in the region. By doing so, we moved our attention on to hardworking but often less heralded members of the legal team alongside the general counsel and other senior lawyers that are famous in the community. The response the community was intensely positive, and we were happy to welcome around 150 people to the beautiful Rainmakers Lounge at Villaraza & Angangco’s V&A Law Centre in Manila for our exclusive launch event.
After speeches from managing partner Sylvette Tankiang, Dodjie Lagazo of ACEN Renewables who provided the in-house legal perspective, and Legal 500 editor Joe Boswell, we moved on to the award ceremony where each legal team was given their accolade on stage by Sylvette. As you can see from the photos, we had a huge range of teams in attendance, many of whom made great efforts to represent their companies. Of particular note are the team from Globe who attended wearing matching T shirts to fly the flag.
As always, celebrations continued well past the official end time and the energy in the room was hugely positive. Special thanks for the massive success of our second GC Powerlist Philippines must go to our excellent sponsors V&A, who were helpful throughout the research in giving nominations and tips regarding the in-house legal community there, as well as faultlessly organising a complicated reception and award ceremony.