Sandeep Kapoor – GC Powerlist
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India 2018


Sandeep Kapoor

Director of legal | Sequoia Capital India Advisors


India 2018

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Sandeep Kapoor

Director of legal | Sequoia Capital India Advisors


Sandeep Kapoor has over 20 years of legal experience including in-house counsel and general counsel positions with companies such as Intel, Intel Capital and Sequoia Capital India. He has been in the tech and venture capital investment legal space for over 10 years. In his current role at Sequoia Kapoor has created tech-based systems, processes and tools that allow Sequoia in India to manage over 100 transaction closings every year, and keep sight of, and make positive contributions to, over 200 portfolio companies. Kapoor created the legal team at Sequoia from scratch and modernised the processes of the company to include technology enabling the company to work quicker, smarter and with more impact. On this Kapoor says, ‘I am a firm believer in technology. I believe technology can bring about great value addition in the legal practice. I have invested considerable time with external service providers to standardise and automate numerous functions of the legal team (including documents management, compliance and drafting of agreements.). Consequently, the legal function at Sequoia is now neither dependent on any individual nor location’. Kapoor runs the department with a business focused strategy and takes pride in his department and his team members adding value to the firm and not acting as a cost centre. In 2017, Kapoor led a transaction involving a 100% acquisition of the Faces Group by funds advised by Sequoia Capital from Everstone Capital. This was the first buy-out deal by Sequoia Capital globally and involved the jurisdictions of Canada, India and Singapore, and a multitude of issues involving structuring and diligence. Such a deal structure was relatively new for a venture capital firm, and Kapoor led this from the front, from managing the complex diligence of various jurisdictions, to helping the investment team take and execute business decisions such as the closing down of business undertakings in certain jurisdictions to creating legal solutions and managing the trust of all parties involved.

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