Oesía Networks – GC Powerlist
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Iberia Teams 2019

Oesía Networks

| Oesía Networks


Iberia Teams 2019


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Oesía Networks


Oesía Networks is a multinational organisation specialised in technology, and with presence in Spain and Latin America that has over the years has developed projects in Europe, America and Asia. It is divided into two divisions: Oesía TIC, which focuses on the technological business in Spain and Latin America, and Tecnobit, a part of the business focused on security and defense. Described as an ‘innovative’ team by a nominator, the legal team is praised for its multi-layered legal knowledge and the ability to work in new and innovative sectors such as IT, big data and e-health. The legal team is led by corporate director legal advice and compliance José Martos, who is also a member of the executive committee of the Oesía Group. Most recently, the Security Operations Center (SOC) of Oesía Networks has been admitted to the Forum of Security Incident Response Teams, a non-profit cybersecurity corporation established in 1990 with the aim to enable an incident response team to effectively respond to security incidents. The legal team assisted in talks to facilitate this certification, making Oesía Networks one of the few Spanish organisations that has this certification at present.

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