Acciona Windpower – NORDEX – GC Powerlist
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Iberia Teams 2017

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Acciona Windpower – NORDEX

| Acciona Windpower - NORDEX


Iberia Teams 2017

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Acciona Windpower - NORDEX


The 2016 merger between Nordex and Acciona Windpower saw the creation of a group that combines decades of experience in designing, constructing and operating wind turbines and delivering more than 18GW of sustainable energy worldwide. The merger has led to the integration of the legal teams into a multinational unit comprised of 17 lawyers (nine in the Iberian team) that share a vision of controlling legal and commercial risks without blocking or delaying the business development of the company. ‘We are an extremely hard-working group of people who possess an excellent understanding of our business. We work closely with our internal customers and aim to respond only when we have a complete understanding of all facts,’ explains Javier Serrada, a deputy general counsel of Acciona Windpower – Nordex. Prior to the merger, the Acciona Windpower legal team had already accumulated an impressive track record of negotiating large-scale wind energy projects in markets where the company had never been before (Argentina, India, among others) and successfully managing certain legal and arbitration procedures. On the operational side, the team has promoted, participated in and implemented some of the major risk control policies within the company, is an active player in the business decision-making processes, and participates in all the cost-saving programs not strictly limited to legal expenses. The recent implementation of legal project management techniques, together with the adoption of new contracting models for all the areas of the company, resulted in noticeable improvements in efficiency. The work of the legal team has also restricted the impact of tax issues on the company, helping to reduce bottom-line cost.

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