STASY (Urban Rail Transport) – GC Powerlist
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Greece and Cyprus Teams 2019

STASY (Urban Rail Transport)

| STASY (Urban Rail Transport)


Greece and Cyprus Teams 2019

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STASY (Urban Rail Transport)


Urban Rail Transport was founded in June 2011, and incorporated three rail companies that had existed up to that point: AMEL (a metro system operator), ISAP (an urban railway), and TRAM (a tramway). The incorporation of all three companies into one entity was aimed at reducing costs through economies of scale, and at providing integrated services that will promote the use of public transport throughout Athens, for both residents and for visitors. The company’s in-house legal team supports this combined remit including all day to day work needed to support the operations of the company. With a particular expertise in domestic transport law as well as a high degree of commerciality, the team is commended for its swift and decisive counsel that helps further the commercial objectives of the company and the smooth function of public transport in Athens.

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