Jennifer Baert – GC Powerlist
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France 2023


Jennifer Baert

General counsel and member of the management board in charge of legal, compliance, sustainability, and regulatory affairs | Natixis


France 2023

Recommended Individual

Jennifer Baert

General counsel and member of the management board in charge of legal, compliance, sustainability, and regulatory affairs | Natixis

Team size: 850 


What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?  

Our legal team is involved on a daily basis in a number of corporate and regulatory matters, financing transactions and litigations, for example the financing of a $1.5bn sustainability-linked revolving credit facility for Invenergy Renewables Operating; and the financing for $364m portfolio of PV projects in Chile. 


Looking forward, what technological advancements do you feel will impact the role of in-house legal teams in the future the most? Which have you found most useful in your legal team? 

We have invested very early on in digital technology in our legal work. Data management and artificial intelligence will have a significant impact on in-house legal teams and their ability to best serve and protect the business at the most efficient cost in the future, thereby ensuring that the products we offer are competitive on the market. Our approach has been a test and learn approach. 


How do you see the general counsel role evolving in France over the next five-ten years?  

The general counsel role is necessarily evolving to expand beyond legal work to many other types of risks and, in particular, regulatory and reputational risks. As regulations are increasing in number and complexity, general counsel are very well equipped to ensure regulatory compliance and participate in building a robust risk framework for their institution. Many general counsel are also in charge of compliance and team up with the chief risk officer in ensuring an effective and sustainable risk management framework. General counsel are also very well equipped to oversee regulatory relations and public affairs. They can have a holistic view of the whole regulatory chain and cycle.  At Natixis, the general counsel’s scope covers legal, compliance, sustainability, regulatory affairs, and governance. This perimeter encourages a lot of synergies and interactions between the different teams and best positions the firm to handle its regulatory, legal, and reputational risks and challenges. 

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