HOCOL – GC Powerlist
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Colombia Teams 2017




Colombia Teams 2017


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Legal manager Christian Castro Agudelo leads Hocol’s in-house team which is comprised of five lawyers and an intern each specialised in different areas to supply thorough legal advice services to...

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The legal function of Lindt & Sprüngli, one of the largest chocolate producers in the world, is centralised with all lawyers reporting directly to the group general counsel. Made up...

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Acquired by Ecopetrol in 2009 for $168m, Hocol has since operated as a 100% owned subsidiary of the largest petroleum company in Colombia. Hocol’s exploratory portfolio today includes light, heavy, extra-heavy crude and gas in the upper and lower valleys of Magdalena, Piedemonte, Llanos and Guajira basins. Positioned at the core of business affairs of the company, it is the legal team’s job to protect the Hocol’s interests across all existing and upcoming projects, ensuring full compliance with all requirements and regulations. The team’s flawless track record in dealing with compliance requirements on a local level has enabled Hocol to solidify its reputation as a company committed to safety, social responsibility and wellbeing of local communities. Capable of working under significant levels of pressure, the team has recently been praised for its recent defence against complex and wide-reaching opposition to Hocol’s recent project to carry out exploration in block CPO 16 in La Macarena, Colombia, with the company planning to invest almost $15m in three wells in the near future. Another notable achievement for the legal team came in 2017, when it assisted with the signing of a three-year agreement with SAExploration to provide geophysical services in Colombia.

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