UBS China – GC Powerlist
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China Teams 2018

UBS China

| UBS China


China Teams 2018

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UBS China


As a wholly-owned subsidiary of UBS, UBS China’s financial story started in China in July 2012 when it set up headquarters in Beijing. Today it has exponentially grown to a registered capital of RMB2bn. Its key businesses include involvement in wealth management and Interbank Business, including foreign currency, rates and credit and the “Banks for Banks” relationship. Xiaojuan Tang, head of legal, manages the department, joining the bank in November 2013 as head of legal and board secretary and over the years assuming increasing roles of responsibility, leading the department to deal with a number of large scale financial deals with a focus on expanding its presence as one of the most important sources of new business opportunities. They have advised in various opportunities arising from ongoing wealth creation, market reform and globalisation in China. Amongst its feats, the legal team has worked on the 2015 set up of UBS Asset Management Shanghai in Shanghai Free Trade Zone.

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