China Development Bank – GC Powerlist
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China Development Bank

| China Development Bank


China Teams 2018

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China Development Bank

Founded in 1994, China Development Bank (CDB) is the world’s largest development finance institution, and the largest Chinese bank for financing cooperation, long-term lending and bond issuance. Providing medium to...

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Founded in 1994, China Development Bank (CDB) started operating under the leadership of the State Council and was incorporated as China Development Bank Corporation in December 2008, and officially defined by the State Council as a development finance institution in March 2015. With a registered capital of RMB421.248bn, its shareholders include the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China, Central Huijin Investment, Buttonwood Investment holding and the National Council for Social Security Fund. The legal department support CDB in providing medium to long term financing facilities that serve China’s major long-term economic and social development strategies. They have recently helped the bank to create a mutually beneficial cooperation between Kazakhstan and China, guiding CDB in opening its representative office at the platform of the Astana International Financial Center in Astana. Through advising the company in these large scale transactions, the legal department has been at the centre of facilitating the support of innovative technologies, infrastructural development and energy and industrial projects.

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