BHP Billiton – GC Powerlist
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Australia and New Zealand Teams 2017

BHP Billiton

| BHP Billiton


Australia and New Zealand Teams 2017

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BHP Billiton

BHP Billiton – the largest mining company globally – commands a significant presence in Chile thanks to three major operations in the country, including the largest mine in the world:...

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An organisation that needs little by way of introduction and the fourth largest company in Australia by market capitalisation as of August 2017, BHP Billiton is one of the most successful mining companies globally and reported a figure of $30.9bn AUD in revenue for 2016. The company has recently announced an enormous investment worth $2.2bn USD in a floating oil production plant in the Gulf of Mexico headed by BP, which is indicative of the huge scale of projects that the company is involved with as well as the fact that it is enjoying an assertive global business footing. Melbourne-based Geoff Healy, formerly a partner at Freehills, heads up both the legal and risk functions at BHP Billiton as part of a major expansion of his and the legal function’s role that took place in 2016. The company’s corporate strategy places a high priority on risk and reputation management, and viewed the immense experience the legal team had in these areas as transferable skills that meant both functions could improve their service by amalgamation.

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Nicolas Lustig

Head of legal – Minerals Americas

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Tig Pocock

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María de Lourdes Velásquez

Legal manager

BHP Billiton

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Daniel Weinstein

Legal manager, Projects and Supply – Minerals Americas


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Nicolas Lustig

Head of legal – Minerals Americas

BHP Billiton

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Tig Pocock

Manager - legal

BHP Billiton

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