Australian Securites Exchange – GC Powerlist
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Australia and New Zealand Teams 2017

Australian Securites Exchange

| Australian Securites Exchange


Australia and New Zealand Teams 2017

Recommended Team

Australian Securites Exchange


Led by general counsel and company secretary Alistair Clarkson, the legal team of the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) continues a tradition of excellent legal oversight and regulation of the exchange, in order to promote a fair and prosperous forum for investors to create wealth in the country. The ASX legal team is stacked with financial, capital markets and regulatory legal talent that is legally knowledgeable as well as commercially savvy. In addition to Clarkson, Nick Wiley is deputy general counsel and head of the post-trade legal team and has accrued over a decade of experience with ASX, and lengthy tenures are commonplace at ASX throughout the legal function. Of particular note is senior legal counsel Paul Baranov, who has almost two decades experience working with ASX, and senior manager and senior legal counsel Catherine Sullivan, who has eleven years’ tenure with the organisation. As such, ASX is able to draw upon the talents not only of extremely gifted legal professionals, but those who know the organisation inside out and are able to provide the best possible legal and regulatory advice in the context of ASX’s overall goals.

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