Road Accident Fund – GC Powerlist
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Africa Teams 2016

Road Accident Fund

| Road Accident Fund


Africa Teams 2016

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Road Accident Fund


South Africa has one of the highest road traffic accident rates in the world, making the work of Road Accident Fund (RAF), which provides compulsory insurance cover to all users of South African roads, a vital safety net in the country. RAF’s legal team has, over the past three years, transformed the way the company executes its mandate.

Under the direction of Charlene Louw, general manager for legal, compliance and regulation, RAF’s lawyers have overhauled compliance and governance structures, building a framework for compliance across RAF from the ground up. The results have been startling. In the three years since this restructured department was established, a new litigation strategy was implemented and has cut dispute volumes by around 50%. RAF’s legal expenditure has also fallen by around 50% without any loss of services or staff.

Last year, when RAF was awarded an unprecedented third consecutive clean and unqualified audit for its prudent and responsible management of public funds, the restructured legal department was singled out for its contribution. The team’s work promoting access to information and managing requests for information has led to a reduction in legal costs and improved turnaround times, leading to a 100% record in the RAF meeting its legislated timelines. RAF’s lawyers have also drafted a new Road Accident Benefit Scheme and RAF Amendment Bill, and conducted public consultation nationally and provincially on these draft pieces of legislation.

This impressive array of achievements led one senior nominator to describe RAF’s legal team as ‘sometimes looking like they are capable of moving the earth to improve the service they provide to stakeholders. They never stop asking how things can be improved and that makes them standout as lawyers’.


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