Dr. German Grüniger – GC Powerlist
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Switzerland 2024

Industrials and real estate

Dr. German Grüniger

Group general counsel | Implenia


Switzerland 2024


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Dr. German Grüniger

Group general counsel | Implenia

Team size: 40     


How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?

As the group general counsel and chief compliance officer at Implenia, a leading multinational real estate and construction service provider, managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises involves a strategic, integrated approach that aligns closely with our broader business objectives to ensure organisational resilience.  

The initial step in crisis management involves a detailed risk assessment, identifying potential legal issues that might impact the business, such as contract disputes, regulatory compliance risks, or employment law issues. This assessment is crucial in prioritising risks based on their potential impact on business continuity and aligning our legal resources to address the most critical areas first. 

In response to a crisis, a dedicated crisis management team including legal, business, finance and communication experts is set up. My role involves providing legal oversight to this team, ensuring that all decisions and actions are in compliance with relevant country-specific laws which are particularly relevant given Implenia’s multinational operations. This ensures that our response not only mitigates legal risks but also supports the continued value creation to the business.  

During a crisis, legal frameworks can shift rapidly. Part of my responsibility is to monitor these changes closely and guide the company proactively through adapting its operations accordingly. This may involve modifying contract terms, adjusting business models, or reshaping employment practices to meet new legal requirements. By staying agile and informed, we can pivot our strategies effectively and maintain business operations without legal entanglements.   

The legal strategy is fully aligned with the strategic planning of the Group. This involves regular cross-functional communications with senior management to ensure that legal considerations are embedded in all strategic decisions. For instance, if the business opts to adjust project timelines or explore new markets in response to a crisis, I ensure with my team that these decisions are supported by a solid legal strategy managing potential risks and leveraging opportunities.   

Finally, resilience is built through continuous learning. This includes conducting post-crisis evaluations to identify what legal strategies worked and where improvements are needed. Regular legal training and information of updates for the operatives across the company help reinforce our readiness for future crises.  

By integrating these strategies, my role ensures that Implenia not only navigates through crises with reduced legal risk but also emerges stronger, ready to continue leading in the global construction and real estate markets. 


What emerging technologies do you see as having the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments?  

As the group general counsel and chief compliance officer at Implenia, I view artificial intelligence (AI) as a transformative technology for the legal profession. AI applications in document analysis, predictive analytics, and contract management are pivotal. They streamline vast document reviews, enhance decision-making with outcome predictions, and automate complex contract processes. To stay at the forefront of these developments, I regularly attend industry-specific information series, engage with legal tech innovators and further develop the internal legal innovation team. This commitment ensures that Implenia remains adept at leveraging AI to improve our legal operations and maintain compliance across the relevant markets. 



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