Jean-Marc Guillot – GC Powerlist
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France 2016

Jean-Marc Guillot

head of litigation & arbitration | Veolia Environment


France 2016

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Jean-Marc Guillot

head of litigation & arbitration | Veolia Environment


In 2013 the position of head of litigation and arbitration at Veolia Environment was created for Jean-Marc Guillot. Involved in the re-organisation of the utilities, water and waste management branches of the company also allowed for better customer service through integration of the group’s geographical locations. The restructuring also introduced a merger of the legal departments of the three business holdings, namely water, waste and energy, with the legal division of Veolia Environment. Guillot has been practicing in France and abroad for over 20 years and has worked in the environmental services, luxury wine and spirits and consulting sectors. He has been with Veolia since 1996 in the waste management and transport/travel branches of the company before his role in the environmental sector. Throughout his various roles, his work on acquisition files have enabled the international development of Veolia to its current worldwide presence. He is appreciated for his ability to manage departments with limited resource, such as his success in waste management where he directed a team of five to successfully handle the legal needs of 20 subsidiaries. Having established a track record with the company and gaining trust within the wider business, Guillot now handles worldwide reporting and monitoring of significant litigation groups and is the company’s “go to” legal counsel for the handling of sensitive files.

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