Rafael Salas Cox – GC Powerlist
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Chile 2017

Rafael Salas Cox

Director of legal services | CGE


Chile 2017


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Rafael Salas Cox

Director of legal services | CGE


In charge of around 40% of electric energy in Chile, Compañía General de Electricidad (CGE) is the largest electric distribution company in the country but also operates natural gas and other services and has significant presence in Argentina. Rafael Salas Cox joined CGE in 1988, starting as one of a number of lawyers in the legal department. Before long he was promoted to become CGE’s chief lawyer and attorney. Owing to his expert legal skills and understanding of the business, in 2006 Salas Cox became corporate manager of legal services and a decade later gained the position of director of legal services. One of his most important impacts in recent times was overseeing the sale of CGE to Spanish company Gas Natural Fenosa (GNF) in 2014. Worth a reported $3.3bn for 100% of the shares, the deal was the largest of its kind in Chile for a listed company. More recently Salas Cox oversaw CGE’s merger with its subsidiary Transnet, a milestone in the company’s “Corporate Reorganisation Plan”. Later that year he was tasked with managing a dispute with the O’Higgins Regional Prosecutor’s Office which resulted in a settlement. Salas Cox serves on the board of directors for a number of CGE’s subsidiaries including its Energía San Juan, EJESA, EJSEDSA and EDET businesses in Argentina. He graduated in law from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

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