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Iberia 2018

Materials and mining

Francisco Javier Castillo Palacios

Lead counsel (EMEA) and secretary board of directors (Ibérica) | Dow Chemical


Iberia 2018

Recommended Individual

Francisco Javier Castillo Palacios

Lead counsel (EMEA) and secretary board of directors (Ibérica) | Dow Chemical


Lead counsel for EMEA and secretary of the board of directors for Iberia since 2006, Francisco Javier Castillo Palacios explains that he has somewhat of a ‘double role’ at the company: ‘I have a local role at Dow Iberia covering Spain and Portugal and an international one at Dow Agro business Eurasia covering Africa, the Middle East and part of Europe. Dealing with such a variety of countries, and the different legal environments within these, has provided me with broad international experience, commercial vision and the capacity to adapt’.

He has also been a part of ‘some of the most interesting transactions in the area of M&A legal work’, around the world. He is also keen to develop the talents of his team members, placing a high priority on the reinforcement of the capacities of the younger lawyers within the team, ‘giving them the possibility to demonstrate their skills’.





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