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Ireland Teams 2023

Information technology


| Zyte


Ireland Teams 2023


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Key team members: Sanaea Daruwalla (chief legal and people officer), Victoria Vlahoyiannis and Callum Henry

What are the most significant cases and transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

Zyte’s legal team works on a wide range of issues across IP, contract, employment, and corporate law. Most notably, Zyte’s legal team are the foremost experts in the world on web-scraping laws, which include copyright, anti-hacking, contract, and data protection laws. It is a complex area of the law that is currently being litigated in cases across the EU and US. Zyte’s team tracks, analyses, and navigates these complex laws to ensure compliance by Zyte and its customers.

The Zyte legal team also worked on filing an additional patent last year to protect Zyte’s newest product offering, Zyte API. Zyte API will allow for compliant and high-quality data extraction at scale, and protecting this technology is vital to Zyte’s competitive position in the market.

What has been the number one challenge that has impacted you over the past year?

One of the larger challenges facing Zyte (and most global businesses) is navigating the slew of new data protection laws across the globe. As an EU company, Zyte takes GDPR compliance very seriously. With the US as its largest commercial base of operation, the new US data protection legal landscape is something Zyte’s legal team conducts sophisticated research on to update and ensure compliance with varying and new state laws. Additionally, as a fully global company, we are seeing more stringent data protection laws arise around the world and our legal team works diligently to stay abreast of new and relevant laws.

Has the increasing consciousness of climate change and sustainability affected your company and the team’s priorities, and if so how?

Zyte’s legal team has taken initial steps to look into ESG initiatives, including attending various webinars and information sessions on this topic. This is something our legal team is very interested in and plan to look into more, hoping to create an ESG plan over the coming years.

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