Horizon Therapeutics Dublin Legal Team – GC Powerlist
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Ireland Teams 2023


Horizon Therapeutics Dublin Legal Team

| Horizon Therapeutics


Ireland Teams 2023


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Horizon Therapeutics

Key team members: Jennifer Lee, corporate counsel; Genevieve Ryan, legal counsel

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

Throughout 2022, Horizon focused on building a global presence in targeted international markets to continue meeting the critical needs of patients. The legal team partnered with Horizon’s international and local teams to advise on a wide range of matters, including corporate governance, compliance, medical affairs, market access, data protection and real estate.

In May 2022, Horizon received EC approval of UPLIZNA® (inebilizumab) for the treatment of adult patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD). Throughout 2022, the legal team provided legal and regulatory support for the commercial launch of UPLIZNA in various EU member states.

Horizon’s legal team also worked closely with our tax and finance colleagues on certain financing transactions, including a US$500 million share repurchase program, in September 2022.

In December 2022, the proposed acquisition of Horizon by US biotechnology company, Amgen, was announced. The legal team provided support on various aspects of the proposed acquisition, which will be implemented by way of an Irish High Court-sanctioned scheme of arrangement.

What has been the number one challenge that has impacted you over the past year?

Horizon’s expansion within Ireland, and globally, was a key focus for the business throughout 2022. One challenge that impacted the legal team was navigating the differing, and often complex, legal landscapes of various jurisdictions to ensure Horizon’s compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The legal team played a crucial role in navigating these challenges for the business by assessing the legal requirements in each jurisdiction and advising on compliance. We achieved this by collaborative relationships with internal stakeholders from an early stage to develop strategies to address the legal, contractual and regulatory needs of the business across multiple jurisdictions.

Has the increasing consciousness of climate change and sustainability affected your company and the team’s priorities, and if so how?

The legal team is an integral part of Horizon’s cross-functional environmental, social and governance (ESG) leadership team and, as such, works closely on the company’s ESG priorities, which include promoting a sustainable environment. Horizon is committed to conducting our business in a responsible way that minimises environmental impacts, including minimising and eliminating environmentally harmful substances and materials from our manufacturing processes, reducing waste generation and minimising environmental risks across the business. The legal team directly supports the business in implementing these strategies by providing advice on our ESG initiatives. Recent projects include the acquisition and development of our near-zero-emission offices in Dublin, along with implementation of health and safety policies and procedures and our supplier code of conduct.

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