Roberto Fraustro Sánchez – GC Powerlist
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Rising Stars Mexico 2022

Industrials and real estate

Roberto Fraustro Sánchez

Corporate counsel | Irongate - Costa Palmas


Rising Stars Mexico 2022

Recommended Individual

Roberto Fraustro Sánchez

Corporate counsel | Irongate - Costa Palmas

Could you tell us a bit about your significant successes in your role?

Some of the most relevant matters in which I have been involved in my time at Irongate were the successful payoff and termination of two loans, and the release of the corresponding collateral. Moreover, I conducted the corporate regularisation of more than twenty companies that conform the group. I also participated in the coordination and implementation of the subcontracting labour amendments, in response to the new subcontracting legislation, in addition to incorporating a non-profit organisation.

Daily, besides drafting the different agreements that might be required for the internal areas of the company, I am the person to whom the sales department refers to, as I advise them on the establishment of the terms and strategies for the purchase and sale of our products. I worked directly with the managing director for development of Mexico, who is responsible for the development and business of Costa Palmas, in the elaboration of diverse agreements and coordination of the areas in charge of obtaining permits and authorizations with the local governmental authorities. Another important part of my work for the company is the coordination and review of the legal documents prepared by the external law firms that collaborate with us in the different transactions.

In your opinion, what are the qualities and skills needed to form a strong legal team?

In order to form a strong legal team, it is important to understand that each person has qualities that define them, as well as skills that have been acquired through academic training and work experience.

In my opinion, a good legal team needs lawyers who have passion for the practice so that they can enjoy their work and the process. The rhythm of the work in the legal world is very intense and, generally we work under a lot of pressure. Choosing a team that knows how to work under pressure is one of the key points at the time of creating a team. Since the functions of a corporate counsel are comparable to that of a symphony orchestra conductor, that is, they have to listen and conduct the different instruments or legal matters to obtain a harmonious result to protect the company and keep the business running, it is essential that the members of the team are people who have good communication skills to provide timely feedback to the general counsel when required.

Fundamental characteristics that cannot be ignored in a legal team are, first, work ethic, analytical capacity, adaptability to teamwork, as well as finding the adequate resources in the tools that technology offers every day, and diversity in the areas of specialisation of each team member. Finally, it is essential that all members of the legal team have a thorough understanding of the business to which the company is engaged.

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