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Mexico 2022


Gabriela Hernández Morgan

Director jurídico y de cumplimiento | Consubanco Multiple Banking Institution


Mexico 2022

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Gabriela Hernández Morgan

Director jurídico y de cumplimiento | Consubanco Multiple Banking Institution

Can you give us an idea of the work your team has done recently?

In the last 14 months we have been focused on a series of acquisitions, specifically some loan portfolios and one company, as well as shareholders’ movements and consolidations that will enhance the Group’s digital strategy. We have also been working on institutionalising our recently acquired company for it to comply with all regulatory requirements. We are also taking part in the digital transformation of the Group’s affiliates through innovative processes such as agile methodologies.

In a changing financial landscape, how does the company remain competitive against new phenomena such as fintech and blockchain, and how does the legal team assist with this?

The Company is completely aware of the importance of such phenomena and the relevance of innovation and automatisation, which is why from now to 2026 we will focus on transforming our processes, infrastructure, and capabilities into ones which can support fintech operations. The legal team has been working hard on building its innovative capabilities as well as understanding recent technologies and their legal frameworks. We have been studying, training, and experimenting with everything from blockchain, artificial intelligence to big data. We are fully aware that along with the company’s transformation, we must also transform into a sustainable department, not solely by bringing income but by adapting to a much faster pace of developing products and business without increasing the team size.

How do you feel the pandemic has changed the world of work for in-house counsel and the function of the general counsel?

The pandemic changed everything. We did not think we could negotiate effectively without in-person discussions, but we did. We did not think we could keep pace with the business needs from home, but we did. We were forced to think creatively and find ways to do things differently but with the same efficiency. We evolved and it was great. I also saw how my role as general counsel grew to encompass a wider range of issues and processes where my team’s input is needed and listened to.

Gabriela Hernández Morgan - Mexico 2016

Head legal counsel and compliance officer | Grupo Consupago

Gabriela Hernández Morgan has worked in Mexico’s banking sector for over 20 years. As one source says, ‘Gaby is a very thorough person and of very high integrity. In my...

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Gabriela Hernández Morgan - Mexico 2018

Legal and compliance director | Consubanco

Gabriela Hernández Morgan joined Consubanco in 2007, a retail bank that was just starting up at the time, to lead the in-house legal team, and oversee all legal aspects of...

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