Judih Kouassi – GC Powerlist
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Africa 2017

Food, beverages and tobacco

Judih Kouassi

Legal and tax director | SIFCA


Africa 2017


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Judih Kouassi

Legal and tax director | SIFCA


Judith Kouassi has had a highly successful in-house legal career spanning over 17 years. Throughout it, she has combined legal understanding with high-level tax expertise, based on academic and professional achievements in both fields.

Her dual-professionalism makes her a highly sought after and much-valued asset at the companies she has undertaken work with, where she has consistently made a notable impact.

Having briefly served as an in-house fiscal manager at Société Générale Ivory Coast, where she demonstrated her tax and general financial nous, Kouassi now has a double role as legal and tax director for SIFCA, a leading African agribusiness company headquartered in Abidjan.

The company has a multinational reach, meaning that Kouassi is required to stay abreast of regulatory, political and cultural differences across borders.


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