Elizabeth Davis – GC Powerlist
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Ireland 2017


Elizabeth Davis

General counsel | PwC Ireland


Ireland 2017


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Elizabeth Davis

General counsel | PwC Ireland

Elizabeth Davis - Ireland 2015

General Counsel | PwC Ireland

During a short tenure as PwC’s Ireland GC and leadership team member, Elizabeth Davis has already been instrumental to the management of a variety of commercial and risk issues. With...

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Elizabeth Davis joined PwC Ireland in 2014 as its general counsel. An experienced in-house lawyer, Davis joined PwC from Mercer Ireland where, she was its first general counsel and established the legal function. Davis then went on to become Mercer’s chief legal counsel EMEA, where she developed a legal strategy to support the wider Mercer EMEA business. During her time with Mercer, Davis managed a number of significant pension litigation matters and introduced a streamlined contract system resulting in both efficiencies and improved risk management. Davis’ time as general counsel with PwC Ireland has been shaped by her work on the formation of the legal department. Davis says that like any client relationship, trust is key to being an effective in-house counsel. ‘PwC’s reputation is built on excellence. I see my team’s role very much as guardian of PwC’s reputation and, by association, PwC’s clients’ reputation.’ Davis says that having a strong understanding of global litigation and regulatory systems, gained in her previous EMEA role, has been invaluable when considering PwC’s international business. Having the general counsel as a member of the PwC Ireland leadership team has embedded the firm’s legal function as a key part of the decision-making agenda. This has been hugely beneficial, says Davis: ‘PwC is constantly developing innovative solutions to help solve client issues. Part of my role is ensuring that any commercial decisions are thought through from a legal and risk perspective from the outset.’ Davis says having a thorough understanding of PwC and its clients’ businesses, and contributing to the firm’s long-term goals, is a very rewarding aspect of her in-house role. ‘To be a successful in-house counsel you have to know your client inside out and you can only do that by getting out there and engaging. Communication is key. Ask questions, talk to colleagues, not just about legal issues but about their roles and the issues facing their clients’.

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