Haya Real Estate – GC Powerlist
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Iberia Teams 2019

Haya Real Estate

| Haya Real Estate


Iberia Teams 2019


Recommended Team

Haya Real Estate


‘The legal team of Haya could be considered for the GC Powerlist because of its experience and potential in a recently created sector such as the real estate and nonperforming loan (NPL) servicing one, which has had a huge increase in a very short period of time in Spain. The members of the team have a high level of specialisation not only in corporate or commercial affairs, but also in certain legal issues belonging to the servicing sector which are very specific and require a specific sectorial background from a legal point of view that can only be acquired in a company like Haya, one of the leading multi-client servicers in Spain. The legal team of Haya can be qualified as a high performance team that with a scaled-down structure has reached a high level of satisfaction to our internal client in the day-to-day advice and has provided excellent outcomes in the negotiation of the most important transactions of the real estate NPL sector in Spain. Its skills and knowledge base are extremely useful for the resolution of complex issues arising in the matters that the team constantly faces and this is something that is really valued, not only in the company but also by the negotiators on the other side of the table. Despite the rigidity of the laws, it can be said that the legal team of Haya is extremely commercially oriented and constantly thinking of the company’s aims, so they are able to provide, on a proactive basis, fast and effective legal solutions in adverse situations. Additionally, the team is recognised by its external clients not only for its technical knowledge and commercial orientation, but also for being tireless workers, rigorous and an excellence-oriented department that always enhances teamwork.’

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