Averda – GC Powerlist
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Middle East Teams 2016


| Averda


Middle East Teams 2016


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Averda, an environmental service provider, has undergone rapid expansion and is now one of the largest waste management companies in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. This expansion has necessitated internal efficiency improvements within the company, a process in which the legal team has played a central role. General counsel Emma Dickie and her team have introduced a global entity management software targeting a decrease in administration and increased value-added support of commercial activities. With the recently added responsibility of global compliance, the team has launched a code of conduct and is also training staff across the map. These developments have helped the team to identify patterns in legal issues and contribute to the ongoing efforts to streamline the company’s operations. Amidst significant growth and plans to launch Saudi Arabia’s first underground waste containers, the legal team’s implementation of new tools and successful management of complex transactions are playing a pivotal role in helping the business to diversify its operations.

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