Juan Llanos – GC Powerlist
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Mexico 2016

Juan Llanos

Global business executive legal director | Grupo Financiero Santander México


Mexico 2016


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Juan Llanos

Global business executive legal director | Grupo Financiero Santander México


Juan Llanos has gained significant experience in the financial sector having worked in various companies in the industry since 1991. Previously at Grupo Financiero Ve por Más and Grupo Financiero Arka, Llanos joined Grupo Financiero Santander México in 2006 and is currently acting as global business executive legal director. Since joining the company he has overseen the integration of a highly effective but small legal department, which focuses on securities issuances, structured loans to high-profile companies and delivery of information to the SEC and New York Stock Exchange regarding Santander México’s status as a public entity. In addition he has structured the appointment process of external law firms and produced standardised agreement templates. Llanos notes his participation in the IPO of the Santander shares in Mexico and the USA as his biggest career achievement. The New York Stock Exchange placement was the biggest in Latin America in 2012, and in the top three globally that year. He has also worked on the corporate restructure of major stock exchange listed companies such as Comercial Méxicana, Geo, and Su Casita.

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