Social Life

A good social life while undertaking a training contract might seem like a contradiction for those who fear that the long hours may get in the way. But the ability to go out for a drink with your colleagues after a long day at work should never be underestimated. Social events are a great way to get to know your colleagues as people, which in turn will make your training experience more enjoyable. What’s more, from the management’s perspective, a memorable Christmas or summer party will work wonders to motivate employees. These Future Lawyers Winner firms certainly impressed trainees with their active social lives. Click on a firm name to read their Future Lawyers profile and see how they scored in other categories.

Firm Score
Muckle 98.00
Leathes Prior 96.00
Wedlake Bell LLP 91.1
Marriott Harrison 88.3
Steele Raymond 88.00
Fox Williams 88.00
Ashurst 86.2
Howes Percival 85.7
Leigh Day 84.3
Brabners LLP 83.7
Birketts 83.5
Forbes Solicitors 82.7
Hill Dickinson LLP 82.50
Farrer & Co 81.7
Thrings 81.7
Kingsley Napley LLP 80.9
Forsters LLP 80.7
Osborne Clarke 80.4
Lewis Silkin LLP 80.00
Milbank LLP 80.00
Travers Smith 80.00
Devonshires Solicitors 79.2