Next Generation Partners

Data privacy and data protection in Poland

Bird & Bird Szepietowski i wspólnicy sp. k.

Bird & Bird Szepietowski i wspólnicy sp. k.’s privacy and data protection practice is praised as ‘one of the best on the Polish market’ and it handles the entire gamut of data-related matters, including both contentious and non-contentious mandates spanning Poland, the EU and further afield. Its offering also covers multi-jurisdictional strategic projects, data breaches, and proceedings before regulators, as well as support with data transfers, cookie compliance projects, and contract reviews. ‘Exceptional‘ dedicated data practitioner Izabela Kowalczuk-Pakuła sits at the helm of the department, and is ably supported by Marta Kwiatkowska-Cylke, who was recently promoted to counsel and has expertise in contract remediation. Of counsel Emilia Stępień is another name of note and frequently represents clients in proceedings before supervisory authorities.

Practice head(s):

Izabela Kowalczuk-Pakuła

Other key lawyers:

Marta Kwiatkowska-Cylke; Emilia Stępień; Piotr Dynowski


‘I have worked with Izabela Kowalczuk-Pakuła and she is an exceptional lawyer with broad knowledge of privacy issues and new technology law. She is also open to share her opinion concerning adoption of the most business friendly and legally safe solutions.’

‘They were proactive, intuitive, friendly, flexible with scope, adaptable and a pleasure to deal with. Their technological solution for the project we worked on, although built on the same basic software as the consultancy firm’s tool, was streets ahead. The ease of raising and dealing with queries and the interface were second-to-none.’

‘I cannot recommend Marta Kwiatkowska-Cylke highly enough. Her ability to quickly grasp the complexities of issues balanced with an eagerness to understand both the risk appetite and strategic positions taken by my company have made my interactions with her both productive and pleasurable.’

‘B&B’s data protection department is very professional with an extensive knowledge of GDPR in marketing. I can rely on B&B lawyers’ opinion and advice, as they are keeping their eyes on the changing GDPR rules and regulations on the Polish market, helping us to update our policies, other documents and general approach to data protection.’

‘Piotr Dynowski is a practitioner who guarantees services at a high level. In an emergency or in the absence of his colleagues, he is always very helpful and serves with his high knowledge and experience.’

‘We collaborate with B&B on personal data privacy matters. We get excellent support also when the timing is very limited and the matter relates to several jurisdictions. I appreciate not only the technical competence and timely responsiveness but also the very easy and to the point communication, as well as the effort made by our advisors to understand our business.’

‘I have been working in the field of personal data protection for over 10 years and I can say with full confidence that the Bird & Bird team is one of the best on the Polish market. The team is distinguished by deep knowledge not only of law, but also business knowledge, allowing their clients to properly assess risk. They guide in-house counsel by indicating which risks are high and which may be potentially acceptable.’

‘Izabela Kowalczuk-Pakuła and Marta Kwiatkowska-Cylke have extensive knowledge in the field and the ability to convey it in an accessible way that is tailored to a specific case. They are very responsive and respond in a perfect manner, especially in situations that may be stressful for the client.’

Key clients

Samba TV

Molecular Worldwide Sp. z o.o.

Michael Page

Work highlights

  • Advising Samba TV, a US software developer, on its European operations, including on the content of consent and privacy notices.
  • Advising Molecular Worldwide Sp. z o.o. on organising its digital marketing activities.
  • Advising Michael Page on various privacy and data protection issues.


At Dentons, the practitioners' ‘deep understanding of legal matters, coupled with their ability to stay updated with the latest developments, instils confidence that clients are in capable hands’. The practice boasts an international client base and often cooperates with the firm’s global network of offices to provide a seamless offering. 'Knowledgable expertKarol Laskowski sits at the helm of the department, and he simultaneously acts as co-head of the firm’s European TMT sector group. Senior associate Aleksandra Danielewicz specialises in data breaches. Counsel Paweł Gruszecki has expertise in handling large technology projects with cybersecurity and personal data protection elements.

Practice head(s):

Karol Laskowski

Other key lawyers:

Paweł Gruszecki; Aleksandra Danielewicz; Karolina Cotronei; Paulina Węgrzynowicz


‘I work with Paweł Gruszecki, who is a natural leader and optimally adjusts the team to the needs of the client. People with enormous knowledge, good communication, and they are efficiently inspired to action by Paweł. One of Paweł’s particular strengths is his ability to identify the client’s needs and the most effective ways to achieve them from a legal and business perspective.’

‘What sets this legal practice apart is its diverse team of experts. From labour law specialists to tax experts and everything in between, the firm boasts a wide range of legal expertise under one roof. This diversity ensures that clients have access to comprehensive support across various legal domains, making it a one-stop destination for their legal needs.’

Karol Laskowski is a knowledgeable expert with lots of experience and business-friendly thinking.’

‘The legal team’s ability to provide support on topics ranging from complex to highly complex is a remarkable strength. They demonstrate a keen understanding of intricate legal matters and offer practical solutions tailored to the specific challenges clients face. This adaptability and agility in addressing complex issues is invaluable to clients seeking comprehensive legal assistance.’

‘The firm is distinguished by its commitment to employing highly knowledgeable professionals. The team comprises individuals who are not only well versed in legal matters but also stay up-to-date with the latest legal developments. Their expertise ensures that clients receive the most informed and effective legal advice and representation.’

‘Collaboration is a hallmark of the team’s work ethic. Practitioners work cohesively, combining their expertise to address complex legal challenges. This collaborative culture not only benefits clients but also fosters an environment where innovative ideas and solutions thrive.’

‘The standout quality of the individuals I have worked with is their unwavering dedication to client success. They consistently go above and beyond to ensure that the client’s needs are not only met, but exceeded. This commitment to the client’s best interests creates a sense of trust and confidence in their abilities.’

‘The knowledge and expertise demonstrated by these individuals is truly impressive. Their deep understanding of legal matters, coupled with their ability to stay updated with the latest developments, instils confidence that clients are in capable hands. Their insights and guidance are invaluable in navigating complex legal issues.’

Work highlights

  • Advising a multinational technology company on privacy and data protection matters across the APAC region.
  • Advised a global player in data, applications, and services for the insurance and automotive sectors on coordinating its global SmartDrive project, dealing with the legal aspects of monitoring, including information obligations towards the data subject, restrictions in the use of monitoring and data retention, as well as personal data transfer to countries such as the UK and India.
  • Advised a large provider of A2P SMS services on the applicability of EU and UK e-privacy requirements in relation to data incident notifications and assisted with a review of the specific implementation of those requirements in eight jurisdictions.

Kobylanska Lewoszewski Mednis

Data privacy work forms a key part of Kobylanska Lewoszewski Mednis‘s offering, and the firm has a particular focus on the e-commerce, media, technology, video games, and finance industries. High-profile GDPR litigation and the handling of major data breaches are areas of expertise for the group. The team is co-led by the founders of the firm Anna Kobylańska, Marcin Lewoszewski and Arwid Mednis. Kobylańska is skilled in the implementation of EU GDPR requirements, Lewoszewski ‘has a valuable ability to understand business needs and find ways out of the most challenging situations‘, and Mednis has lately been active in advising on legislative reform.

Practice head(s):

Anna Kobylańska; Marcin Lewoszewski; Arwid Mednis


‘What we value the most in KLM is experience in data privacy. They have a strong regulatory background supported by scientific engagement. They are also business friendly; they understand that it is not possible to ensure 100% compliance and they still fight for our matters before the data protection authority.’

‘We work closely with Marcin Lewoszewski and we would like to keep it that way as he stands out. Marcin represents us in the most complex GDPR litigation matters; he has a great regulatory background.’

‘Professional service with great contact for issues that require quick and efficient support. In the ongoing contact, the client feels that they really matter and are not just one of many others.’

‘Anna Kobylańska has incredible subject matter expertise.’

‘Marcin Lewoszewski has a valuable ability to understand business needs and find ways out of the most challenging situations.’

‘Arwid Mednis provides professional advice and opinions, always in a very broad context.’

‘The KLM team is one of the most experienced teams in Poland with respect to data privacy. They have very broad knowledge of the topic, which is key in privacy matters. They are also participating in international privacy organisations which allows them to have a more international view on privacy practices.’

‘Marcin Lewoszewski and Anna Kobylańska both have a very practical, reasonable approach to matters they work on and both are easily accessible. They are trustworthy and clearly first choice experts in Poland.’

Key clients


Work highlights

  • Represented a major foreign bank in GDPR-related court proceedings.

Rymarz Zdort Maruta

At the beginning of 2023, Rymarz Zdort and Maruta Wachta merged to form Rymarz Zdort Maruta. Large-scale, sophisticated data protection projects involving multi-jurisdictional elements and cross-border data transfers now form a key part of the group’s offering. It also frequently represents clients in contentious mandates, and ‘what absolutely distinguishes them on the market is their primarily pragmatic approach’. 'Outstanding practitioner’ Marcin Serafin sits at the helm of the department, which also houses Paweł Tobiczyk, who boasts ‘extensive legal knowledge in the field of personal data protection', and Piotr Kalina, who was promoted to partner at the beginning of 2023. Previous co-head Sławomir Kowalski left the firm to found Just LAW at the beginning of 2024.

Practice head(s):

Marcin Serafin; Paweł Tobiczyk; Piotr Kalina

Other key lawyers:

Wojciech Piszewski


‘Rymarz Zdort Maruta, in my opinion, stands out for its professionalism, efficiency and deep legal knowledge combined with a practical approach to legal problems. The members of the team with whom I had the pleasure of working always offered effective legal solutions to problems.’

‘Paweł Tobiczyk has extensive legal knowledge in the field of personal data protection, and is always oriented towards practical help in solving legal problems. He always has time for the client, is responsive and cooperation with him is a pleasure.’

‘Probably the best team in Poland for privacy and technology. What sets them apart is the focus. Unlike most other firms that simply added capacity for this specialty when the need arose, Maruta (now part of Rymarz Zdort Maruta) was the firm built to do privacy and technology, so it’s their core.’

‘Marcin Serafin and Paweł Tobiczyk are market leaders. The have the right judgement and understand how to apply it to business.’

‘Rymarz Zdort Maruta’s real strength and added value lies in the fact that they offer full-scope support in the area of GDPR compliance combined with vast experience in niche areas of IT law. This combination is ideal for our needs. They also demonstrate international data protection competences, which is invaluable, as we work with suppliers from different countries.’

‘Marcin Serafin is an outstanding practitioner. He and his team deliver very high-value service to the client and represent great technical knowledge. They are competent, proactive and efficient.’

‘Without the slightest hesitation, I can say that this is the best law firm I have had the opportunity to work with! What absolutely distinguishes them on the market is their primarily pragmatic approach, which is hard to get in other law firms. You can see that the client’s interest is important to them, they are always looking for solutions and alternatives. I am absolutely certain that when I need their support, I will not get a rigid opinion written in artificial, legal language.’

‘Piotr Kalina and Marcin Serafin offer value-driven advice perfectly adapted to our business needs. They help us interpret complex data privacy and security laws and how they apply to our business operations.’

Key clients

National Cloud Operator

Work highlights

  • Represented a major Polish e-commerce company in its successful appeal to the Supreme Administrative Court after the Polish Data Protection Authority imposed a large fine for a data protection breach.

Traple Konarski Podrecki & Partners

Traple Konarski Podrecki & Partners is active in assisting with all issues relating to the application and implementation of GDPR. The firm also regularly represents clients before the Polish Data Protection Authority in judicial and administrative proceedings, and this is a particular area of strength for counsel Katarzyna Syska. The team offers support to clients who have suffered data breaches, and provides advice on cross-border data transfers, data anonymisation, and data biometrics. Co-founder Xawery Konarski and Grzegorz Sibiga head up the department, with the latter receiving praise from a client as ‘one of the best lawyers in the field of personal data protection regulations’.

Practice head(s):

Grzegorz Sibiga; Xawery Konarski

Other key lawyers:

Dominika Nowak; Katarzyna Syska


‘Legal recommendations always issued on the updated regulations and jurisprudence, and legal opinions are tailor-made for current client needs. Dedicated team at the client’s demand.’

‘Academic approach in very practical and client-friendly frames makes their work very efficient.’

‘Grzegorz Sibiga seems to know about the data protection field more than anybody else.’

‘Very good understanding of the client’s needs. Fast and perspicuous answers to question asked. Following current trends in IT and data security.’

‘Grzegorz Sibiga has very good contact with the client. Has very broad and extensive knowledge in personal data protection. Not only in the area of law, but also IT and data security.’

‘Grzegorz Sibiga gives plain and simple and – at the same time – comprehensive answers to even very complicated issues.

‘Cooperation in the field of personal data protection and public procurement law is at the highest level. The law firm provides professional assistance.’

‘Grzegorz Sibiga is one of the best lawyers in the field of personal data protection regulations. Grzegorz provides professional support in complex cases.’

Key clients

Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A.

Henkel Polska sp. z o.o.

Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A.

CANAL + Polska S.A.

Research and Academic Computer Network – National Research Institute

Provident Polska S.A.

Urząd Miejski Wrocławia

British American Tobacco Sp. z o. o

Gmina Miasta Tychy

Bank Millennium S.A.

CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang Posniak i Bejm sp.k.

The team at CMS is part of the firm’s global technology, media and telecoms offering, and in 2023, the local EU trade mark and design team merged with the data department to operate under one banner. The resultant group is adept at handling data breaches and cybersecurity incidents, as well as complaints and inquiries from data subjects. Tomasz Koryzma sits at the helm of the department, which boasts ‘great experts in data protection’, including counsel Damian Karwala, who ‘stands out as an expert on international data transfers’. Senior associate Adriana Zdanowicz-Leśniak is also a notable member of the team with expertise in GDPR matters.

Practice head(s):

Tomasz Koryzma

Other key lawyers:

Damian Karwala; Adriana Zdanowicz-Leśniak; Dominika Tyc


‘Pragmatic and sound advice on privacy and data protection matters. Large team that represents all levels of expertise. An ability to align legal advice with the client’s business objectives.’

‘Open-minded in assisting clients and proposing solutions to legal problems.’

‘Expertise, responsiveness, close collaboration and dedication put together to serve a client. Damian Karwala stands out as an expert on international data transfers.’

‘The quality of service, great listening skills of all people who I work with, good speed of answering emails and providing support.’

‘Adriana Zdanowicz-Leśniak is high quality, very good and professional but at the same time provides a friendly business relationship, willingness to answer all questions and provide the required support and advice. I value the perfect communication with her, and appreciate her engagement every time when we work together. I feel important, listened to and looked after.’

‘Great experts in data protection. Thorough knowledge and ready to deal with complex matters. Commitment, professionalism, willingness to help, and finding non-standard solutions are strengths of the team.’

‘Tomasz Koryzma, Damian Karwala, and Dominika Tyc provide excellent support for all privacy matters.’

Key clients

Lufthansa Group


Primo Water



Iron Mountain

Point 72

Partner in Pet Food

Becton Dickinson


Bausch & Lomb Poland sp. z o.o.

Work highlights

  • Advising Iron Mountain on data protection and privacy matters.
  • Representing Lufthansa Group & SAS Airlines in interdisciplinary administrative proceedings.
  • Advising Box on a data protection project which relates to its ability to offer its services post-Brexit and post-Schrems II.

DLA Piper Giziński Kycia sp.k.

DLA Piper Giziński Kycia sp.k. has a particular focus on advising clients in highly regulated sectors, including the banking, insurance, pharmaceutical, and media industries. Its offering includes advice on complex GDPR implementation and compliance projects. Ewa Kurowska-Tober chairs the group, as well as jointly leading the firm’s global data protection, privacy and security sub-group; she has extensive experience in handling cross-border data transfers, data security breaches, and compliance mandates. Counsel Magdalena Koniarska has expertise in personal data protection mandates. Senior associate Piotr Czulak is also a key team member.

Practice head(s):

Ewa Kurowska-Tober

Other key lawyers:

Magdalena Koniarska; Piotr Czulak


‘Firms are about their people, and this firm has very nice practitioners committed to their work and providing practical answers and solutions as opposed to purely academic speculations.’

‘I have the impression that the practitioners I work with like their work and care about the firm’s good image, not only about money. They know how to build partnerships with clients and gain their trust.’

‘I have been working with the team of DLA Piper for a couple of years. I really like working with them, especially on data protection and technology matters. I appreciate their very practical approach and business understanding.’

‘They combine legal expertise with understanding of the market and business expectations. They always look for optimal solutions, reasonably assessing the legal risk.’

‘I mostly work with Ewa Kurowska-Tober and Piotr Czulak. Ewa is a highly experienced tech and privacy lawyer who is always approachable with great commercial awareness. Piotr is a very talented and efficient advisor. I especially appreciate his immediate and quick responses that are straight to the point.’

‘Ewa Kurowska-Tober is very experienced and always available.’

Key clients






BNP Paribas




Credit Suisse


Dentsu Aegis



ING Bank


LEVI Strauss


Mid Europa

Moroccan Oil







UK Department of Digital Culture, Media and Sport





Standard Chartered Bank


Work highlights

  • Advised international online research data and analytics technology group YouGov plc on the acquisition of GfK CP, the European consumer panel business of German-based GfK SE.
  • Advising Nielsen on a comprehensive, multi-jurisdictional project related to international transfers of personal data and the preparation of an intra-group transfer agreement.
  • Advised Hilton Hotels on a global personal data protection project.

Domanski Zakrzewski Palinka

Domanski Zakrzewski Palinka‘s data privacy department advises clients on the implementation of GDPR, data transfers, and data breaches, and also provides representation before the Data Protection Authority. Practice head Bartosz Marcinkowski is ‘highly regarded by clients’ and assists both domestic and foreign companies across all of their data privacy needs. Sylwia Kuca is experienced in handling the implementation of data protection solutions.

Practice head(s):

Bartosz Marcinkowski

Other key lawyers:

Sylwia Kuca; Karolina Kulikowska-Gruszecka; Mateus Jankowski


‘Good team – very active and reliable. We have handled with DZP a data breach. It was very nice to work with the team.’

‘Ability to work in an international team and to understand the needs of the client, react promptly, and provide clear and understandable advice.’

‘We are in constant contact with Bartosz Marcinkowski, who is easy, approachable, very responsive, and highly regarded by clients.’

‘Karolina Kulikowska-Gruszecka and Mateus Jankowski are worth mentioning as professionals who are able to understand the client’s business and provide valuable advice.’

Kieltyka Gladkowski KG Legal

Kieltyka Gladkowski KG Legal is well equipped to handle a vast range of matters, including data protection, data transfers, and cybersecurity mandates in the defence sector, and its work often has cross-border elements. Other areas of expertise for the group include advising on data extraction, data scraping, data parsing, and data anonymisation. The life sciences industry is an area of significant activity for the team. Małgorzata Kiełtyka in Krakow, and Kazimierz Jakub Gładkowski in Warsaw co-head the team, and both ‘are extremely experienced in the field of data protection and are able to handle complex matters’.

Practice head(s):

Małgorzata Kiełtyka; Kazimierz Jakub Gładkowski


‘Both Małgorzata Kiełtyka and Kazimierz Jakub Gładkowski are recognised as lawyers knowledgeable about life sciences, data protection, cybersecurity and the like.’

‘As a client who has had the privilege of working closely with this team, I can confidently attest to the unique strengths and capabilities that set them apart in the legal landscape. What truly distinguishes this company is their full commitment to staying at the forefront of data privacy and protection laws and regulations. The team’s deep expertise in this evolving field is visible through their ability to navigate the complex legal intricacies with ease.’

‘The team’s responsiveness and availability make them a trusted partner in navigating the complex world of data privacy and protection. In comparison to other firms, their practice stands out as a beacon of excellence. Their blend of expertise, technology, diversity, and client-centric focus sets them on a level of their own.’

‘Kazimierz Jakub Gładkowski and Małgorzata Kiełtyka exemplify excellence and distinction in the legal field. With their extensive experience and diverse specialisations, they offer clients a level of legal counsel that is truly exceptional.’

‘Kazimierz Jakub Gładkowski has a remarkable 15 years of experience and his expertise spans a wide range of commercial and corporate legal matters. His specialisation in cross-border transactions and litigation makes him a trusted advisor for clients across various sectors, including technology, fintech, cybersecurity, healthcare, and more.’

‘Małgorzata Kiełtyka has 14 years of experience and is a highly accomplished attorney in cross-border commercial cases, both in litigation and non-contentious matters. Her client base primarily comprises international clients from diverse sectors, including pharmaceuticals, new technologies, healthcare, telecoms, and fintech.’

‘The team is headed by the experienced and professional Małgorzata Kiełtyka who is a pleasure to work with. Excellent litigation capabilities. Excellent English language skills.’

‘Małgorzata Kiełtyka and Kazimierz Jakub Gładkowski are extremely experienced in the field of data protection and are able to handle complex matters.’

Key clients

BioLaw Europe

Life Science Cluster Poland

Advantage Austria

Work highlights

  • Advising an American provider of cybersecurity certification and protection of sensitive data of Polish subcontractors for products ordered or co-financed by the United States Department of Defence services on the legal liability of the cross-border data transfers of the samples covered by the certification process.
  • Advising a client on the possibility of enforcing crypto data assessed as participation units in a crypto platform, where the data is assessed with the use of Open-Source Intelligence tools, while determining the status of the transfer of data as the carrier of value.
  • Advised a client on the negotiation of a contract for the implementation of a dedicated cybersecurity structure, the main task of which is to stop IT systems used by the ordering medical entity from actions which violate the confidentiality, integrity, availability and authenticity of the processed data or related services offered by these systems.

Lubasz i Wspólnicy - Kancelaria Radców Prawnych

Lubasz i Wspólnicy - Kancelaria Radców Prawnych‘s privacy and data protection team comprises ‘well-known experts’ who frequently assist with audits in the personal data protection arena and advise on the implementation of GDPR. The manufacturing, technology, and IT sectors are areas of particular focus. Key senior members of the team include managing partners Witold Chomiczewski and Dominik Lubasz, the latter of whom is praised as ‘an authority in data protection’. Monika Susałko and Adam Szkurlat are also noted.

Other key lawyers:

Dominik Lubasz; Monika Susałko; Witold Chomiczewski; Adam Szkurłat


‘Deep, combined knowledge of the matter which is based on their activity in the industry. Great ability to combine business with legal matters which means that processes, procedures and operational work are focused on identifying win-win solutions.’

‘The team is broad and we really enjoy working with all of its members – they are agile, efficient and proactive in their approach. Very fair with workload estimation and execution, fast in response, specific and provide valuable insights in the first iteration of task completion.’

‘The team works extremely professionally and gives clients a sense of complete security and a guarantee of the highest quality. The practitioners are open to the client’s needs, use convenient forms of communication for the client and are very responsive.’

Key clients

Fundacja Panoptykon

Kancelaria Prezesa Rady Ministrów

AI Law Tech Foundation

Ministerstwo Cyfryzacji, GRAI

Work highlights

  • Represented a client before a court in a case concerning the legitimacy and correctness of the application of the personal data as means of payment for a service model, resulting in the overturning of a decision by a supervisory authority.
  • Advised a client on the risks relating to the protection of personal data and privacy which are associated with the use of commercial digital services.
  • Advised a client on the issues surrounding the relationship between the AI Act and its impact on national and EU legislation.

Olesinski & Wspolnicy

Wrocław-based Ludmiła Łuczak and Andrzej Boboli in Warsaw jointly head up the data privacy and data protection team at Olesinski & Wspolnicy; these areas have been core focuses of the firm since its establishment. Data protection in connection with e-commerce activities, personal data in new technologies, HR issues, IT systems, cybersecurity, and crisis management are all part of the group's expansive offering. Another core member of the team is senior associate Bartosz Kolarz, ‘a very widely read data expert’.

Practice head(s):

Ludmiła Łuczak; Andrzej Boboli

Other key lawyers:

Katarzyna Serwatka; Bartosz Kolarz; Zuzanna Prandecka-Walek; Katarzyna Wężyk


‘Bartosz Kolarz is a seasoned professional with a profound understanding of data privacy and data protection matters. He adeptly bridges the gap between legal acumen and business imperatives, consistently delivering innovative solutions even in the face of complex challenges.’

‘The team thinks outside the box and always takes the initiative to look for pro-business solutions. They keep abreast of changes and trends in the law and signal them to the client.’

‘Bartosz Kolarz and Ludmiła Łuczak are outstanding specialists. Not only a high level of merit and logical thinking characterise them, but also a high level of personal culture and communicativeness towards the client and the other party.’

‘As part of the project, practitioners demonstrated their commitment and professional knowledge in the field of data protection, tailoring their activities to the specifics of our company’s operations. They confirmed their high legal qualifications, which they combine with an understanding of the solutions provided by our company.’

‘I would especially like to single out the commitment to the project carried out, professionalism and excellent knowledge and proposal of legal solutions prepared by Ludmiła Łuczak and Katarzyna Wężyk. ’

‘Data protection, together with TMT, is one of the areas Olesinski & Wspolnicy is widely known for. Their data protection practice has an enviable tradition and they have a wonderful team that my colleagues and I are always happy to work with and expertise we deeply trust and appreciate.’

‘Andrzej Boboli and Bartosz Kolarz are my main contacts at the firm. They are both very reliable. They both practice in both data protection and IT and communication runs very smoothly. Andrzej is always straight to the point, very organised and goal-oriented. Bartosz is a very widely read data expert and very successfully puts his knowledge into practice.’

‘Ludmiła Łuczak and Zuzanna Prandecka-Walek are exceptionally well organised, direct and pro-active. They frequently give us a heads up with regards to changes in law that may affect our business as a client.’

Key clients

Booksy International sp. z o.o.

CV Group UAB

DWS Draexlmaier Wyposażenie Wnętrz Samochodowych Sp. z o.o.



KIK Textil Sp. z o. o.

Limango Polska Sp. z o.o.

Brose Sitech Sp. z o.o.

Ten Square Games S.A.

Tidio Poland sp. z o.o.

Viessmann Technika Grzewcza Sp. z o.o.

Tarczyński S.A.

Gates Polska Sp. z o.o. Sp. z o.o.

Guotai-Huarong (Poland sp. z o.o)

Umicore Poland Sp. z o.o.

Smulders Groep Poland Sp. z o.o.


SpotOn Poland Sp. z o.o.

GPRE Management Sp. z o.o.

Waverley Software Inc.

Polskie Koleje Linowe S.A.

EPCD Sp. z o.o.

VISKASE Polska Sp. z o.o.

AKS Precision Ball Sp. z o.o.

JOST Polska Sp. z o.o.

VOSS Automotive Polska Sp. z o.o.

Burda GmbH

Merit Aktiva sp. z o.o.

Neogames S.A.

Continental Opony Polska Sp. z o.o.

SFC Solutions Częstochowa sp. z o.o.

Work highlights

  • Advised GPRE Managmenet Sp. z o.o. on the implementation of the Globalworth mobile application, aimed at digitising the entire property management process.
  • Assisted Burda GmbH with an audit.
  • Advised Polskie Koleje Linowe S.A. on a project concerning the transfer of personal data to the United Arab Emirates in connection with cooperation with the tourist agency and airline Fly Dubai.

Baker McKenzie Krzyzowski i Wspólnicy Sp.k.

Baker McKenzie Krzyzowski i Wspólnicy Sp.k.‘s team boasts ‘deep knowledge in the privacy field’ and frequently advises both local and international clients from the financial, healthcare, and automotive sectors. Its offering includes assistance with cross-border data transfers, data security mandates, diversity data collection initiatives, and data breaches. Cybersecurity is also a core focus for the team. The broader IP and technology team, within which the data protection practice sits, is chaired by Marcin Fijałkowski, while counsel Radosław Nożykowski leads the local privacy practice.

Practice head(s):

Marcin Fijałkowski; Radosław Nożykowski

Other key lawyers:

Jakub Falkowski; Marcin Fiałka; Martyna Czapska; Katarzyna Baranowska


‘They have deep knowledge in the privacy field and are very responsive.’

‘I have been working with them, especially Radosław Nożykowski and Marcin Fiałka, and they were always available when necessary and very responsive, which is very important when you often deal with urgent cases. They have also vast knowledge of privacy law.’

‘Cooperation with Baker McKenzie is at a very good level. Any objections are considered in the light of the time, and the content of the feedback provided is very diverse and understandable.’

Key clients


Schneider Electric


LG Electronics




Work highlights

  • Advised international clients from various industries on legal issues and GDPR implications and requirements related to a mass-scale personal data breach resulting from a hacking attack on IT infrastructure of a major payroll and HR service provider operating in Poland.
  • Advising a client on a data protection compliance project in response to the introduction of two new data protection laws, one in the United Arab Emirates and one in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

DWF Poland Jamka Sp.k

DWF Poland Jamka Sp.k boasts ‘a unique combination of experts in the field of personal data protection’, who are skilled at building and implementing group privacy frameworks, advising on GDPR matters, and managing data flows and data transfers. ‘Dedicated partner’ Gerard Karp leads the team. Counsel Marian Giersz is praised as ‘one of the best lawyers in the field of personal data protection’.

Practice head(s):

Gerard Karp

Other key lawyers:

Marian Giersz; Pawel Dudojc; Agnieszka Duda


‘What I value in the cooperation with DWF and Gerard Karp is that he is an expert on new technologies in law, and that he initiates discussions on the role of artificial intelligence in the work of a lawyer.’

‘Gerard Karp is attentive when listening to the client’s needs, proactive, knowledgeable in new technologies and legal solutions, wide-eyed, and relational.’

‘The DWF team is a unique combination of experts in the field of personal data protection. What sets this team apart is its pragmatic approach, deep understanding of the market, and approach of tailoring services to the specific needs of the client, which distinguishes it from other firms that rely on generic recommendations. Team members not only demonstrate high skills but also have fantastic personalities, combining technical skills with equally high soft skills.’

Key clients

Integer Group Services sp. z o.o.

The Insurance Guarantee Fund

Lyreco Polska sp. z o.o.

Adama Agricultural Solutions Ltd.


Oknoplast Polska sp. z o.o.

OLX Group Poland sp. z o.o.

LeasePlan Fleet Management |Polska sp. z o.o.

Paccar Financial Polska sp. z o.o.

Elavon Financial Services DAC

Kin and Carta Plc

Teufelberger GmbH

TEMARED sp. z o.o.

Work highlights

  • Advising Insurance Guarantee Fund on strategic issues in relation to technology, privacy, and data protection issues.
  • Assisted Adama Agricultural Solutions with a number of multidisciplinary projects, including privacy reviews in over 15 jurisdictions, implementation of data analytics tools, cross-border data transfers, and CRM implementation.
  • Supporting the OLX with various data protection issues.

GP Partners Gawroński, Biernatowski Sp.K.

The banking and finance, energy, telecoms, and IT industries are core areas of focus for the data protection team at GP Partners Gawroński, Biernatowski Sp.K.. Its offering encompasses advice on the implementation of GDPR and related compliance audits, support with data breaches, contractual matters, and cybersecurity issues, as well as representation before the Polish Data Protection Office. The team is jointly chaired by Maciej Gawroński, who is praised for his ‘outstanding knowledge‘, and ‘very well-rounded lawyer’ Michał Ćwiakowski. Maciej Grzesiuk is also a core member of the team.

Practice head(s):

Maciej Gawroński; Michał Ćwiakowski

Other key lawyers:

Maciej Grzesiuk; Marek Śliwinski


‘Very competent team. Their confidence is backed by wide knowledge and experience. Very professional end-to-end advisory. Working with them we feel assured that we are in the right hands. Very good understanding of business needs.’

‘We are working with Michał Ćwiakowski and Maciej Grzesiuk. We strongly value working with both. Always available, understand business needs, provide reasonable practical advice. Their advice is comprehensive – includes both legal understandable analysis and practical recommendations on business implementation of the outcomes.’

‘They are excellent in technological issues regarding the processing of personal data and technical protection against loss of confidentiality, integrity or availability. They are also flexible in terms of time, which allows them to consult on difficult matters within a narrow time frame.’

Key clients

Przedsiębiorstwo Państwowe Porty Lotnicze PPL


Polish Bar of Attorneys-at-law


ENEA Centrum

Plus Bank



Cloud Ferro

Good Data Protection Standard

Polish Advertising Council


Ringier Axel Springer

Warsaw Stock Exchange


DnB Bank




Water Supply and Waste Management Facility PWiK Jarocin


Millenium Bank

OneTrust Data Guidance

Phono Media



EOS Poland


MDR Regulator


Digibits (Mubi)

ORM Trade

ZGO Jarocin

Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A.

TMS Brokers

Bank Pocztowy

DPD Polska

ACP Global Forwarding

The Chancellery of the Polish Parliament

Union of Polish Metropolises


PGE Systemy


DHI Polska


Master Film

PGNiG Termika

Work highlights

  • Supporting DPD Polska with data privacy issues, including auditing compliance and process improvement.
  • Advised the Chancellery of the Polish Parliament on a GDPR issue related to the division of roles and responsibilities.
  • Provided the Union of Polish Metropolises with a comprehensive opinion regarding use of social media by local government units.

Konieczny, Wierzbicki Kancelaria Radców Prawnych sp.p.

The team at Konieczny, Wierzbicki Kancelaria Radców Prawnych sp.p. is skilled at advising clients on personal data processing, compliance matters, and the launch of e-products and e-services. Healthcare, IT, insurance, and gambling are sectors of activity for the group. Mariusz Purgał helms the team and he is ably supported by senior associate Anna Dąbrowska-Lipka, who is praised by one client for her ‘excellent knowledge of international regulations’, and managing partner Michał Konieczny.

Practice head(s):

Mariusz Purgał

Other key lawyers:

Michał Konieczny; Anna Dąbrowska-Lipka


‘KWKR stands out in the legal market for its innovative and modern approach. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that KWKR specialists have not only in-depth legal knowledge, but also excellent business acumen, which allows them to play the role of effective investment advisors.’

‘In the context of ongoing cooperation with the law firm, it should be emphasised that the specialists employed by KWKR use modern technological solutions, which increases the efficiency of their work, and also helps to maintain continuity of communication with clients.’

‘Within the framework of cooperation with KWKR specialists, I had the opportunity to work primarily with Anna Dąbrowska-Lipka and Mariusz Purgał. Anna stood out for her excellent knowledge of international regulations related to data protection. Her skill and legal knowledge allowed the company to efficiently achieve its next business goals. Mariusz is noteworthy for his excellently developed communication skills, thanks to which he was able to report activities in complex legal procedures in a clear and transparent manner.’

Key clients

Prosoma sp. z o.o

Saventic Health

Hitachi Global Business Services


Andea Group

Hitachi Energy

Work highlights

  • Advised Saventic Health on mitigating the consequences of a hacking attack.
  • Advised Hitachi Global Business Services, based in India, on verifying the accuracy of personal data processing in accordance with the regulations in force in those countries where the company conducts its business.
  • Advised Prosoma on information security in an international legal environment, including on matters connected with personal data.

Wardynski & Partners

Krzysztof Wojdyło leads the data protection practice at Wardynski & Partners, which advises clients on compliance with data protection requirements, and domestic and cross-border personal data processing incidents. It also assists with day-to-day matters, including data subject requests and the review of internal documentation, as well as structuring data flows. In addition, the team is well versed in representing clients before the Personal Data Protection Office. Karolina Romanowska and Łukasz Rutkowski are also recommended.

Practice head(s):

Krzysztof Wojdyło

Other key lawyers:

Karolina Romanowska; Iga Małobęcka-Szwast; Łukasz Rutkowski


‘Our case was pretty complicated. I truly appreciated how the team organised themselves to support us by the work of their team members who could add the most valuable elements. I also appreciate their deep insight into our processes and organisational issues.’

‘Karolina Romanowska and Łukasz Rutkowski are recommended.’

‘Very thorough and detailed in their recommendations.’

A&O Shearman

A&O Shearman‘s data privacy department is part of the firm's wider IP offering and provides clients with domestic and cross-border expertise, as the team benefits from cooperation with the global network of offices. IP specialist Krystyna Szczepanowska-Kozłowska leads the group, and counsel Justyna Ostrowska is noted by one client as ‘a great data protection lawyer and a strong litigator’. 

Practice head(s):

Krystyna Szczepanowska-Kozłowska

Other key lawyers:

Justyna Ostrowska


‘Very strong and reliable team, very good experts, high quality of services.’

‘Justyna Ostrowska is a great data protection lawyer and a strong litigator. I worked with her in the past and she is a great expert; they have a strong team in data protection.’

‘Great knowledge of GDPR regulations. Responsive, available, and diligent.’

Key clients

Saudi Aramco



DoorDash, Inc.

Cordiant Digital Infrastructure Limited

Work highlights

  • Advised Saudi Aramco on data protection and cybersecurity matters in connection with the acquisition of shares in Grupa Lotos and cooperation with PKN Orlen S.A.
  • Advising Unilabs Group Services succursale d’Unilabs on data protection and regulatory matters concerning their cooperation with US-based companies in connection with clinical trials run in the European Union.

APLaw Artur Piechocki

APLaw Artur Piechocki is a boutique firm with a focus on IT and TMT law, and its offering encompasses advice on the implementation of GDPR, as well as assistance with audits and compliance matters. Founder and practice head Artur Piechocki is praised as a ‘strong leader’ and frequently advises companies from the IT, telecoms, and media industries on data protection and cybersecurity mandates. Senior associate Martyna Popiołek-Dębska is another key contact.

Practice head(s):

Artur Piechocki

Other key lawyers:

Martyna Popiołek-Dębska


‘APLaw delivers legal services to clients from different markets and has to take into account individual requirements of each market, thus APLaw runs audits before delivering more complex personal data protection services. After that both parties understand what should be really prepared, and what the client really needs. And APLaw delivers it.’

‘Artur Piechocki has been working with personal data protection from the early years of 2000 and he uses his experience in every case since then. Clients appreciate it and use his experience and knowledge for their benefit since it is unique.’

‘Excellent market and business knowledge.’

Key clients


Data Lake

Data River

Fundacja Podaruj Dane


Focus Research




United Entertainment Enterprises

ZPR Agency

Bridge Solutions Hub

Magic Box International



Consulting Service

Work highlights

  • Advising Stroer, a major German player in outdoor advertising, on data and privacy protection issues.
  • Advising medtech companies Data Lake and Data River on data and privacy protection issues, particularly in terms of personal data donation projects and medical databases.
  • Advising on data and privacy protection issues, particularly in relation to cybersecurity and new platforms.

Kochanski & Partners

Kochanski & Partners is skilled at handling data privacy, protection, and information security projects. These mandates include the cross-border transfer of data, data processing and transfer agreements, privacy and cybersecurity audits, data breach responses, and privacy-related disputes. Piotr Kochański and Monika Maćkowska-Morytz jointly lead the department.

Practice head(s):

Piotr Kochański; Monika Maćkowska-Morytz

Key clients

ERGO Hestia


Pandora Jewelry CEE

BOX Poland

GFT Group



Murapol S.A.

Equinity Service Limited

Molecule One

LOT Polish Airlines

Perfect Gym


Ringier Axel Springer Polska

TIDIO Poland


Havi Logistics





Work highlights

  • Representing Ringier Axel Springer Poland in data protection cases brought by data subjects seeking to block the publication of press material.
  • Assisting ERGO Hestia, a major Polish insurance company, with the process of obtaining ISO 27001 and ISO 27017 information security certifications.
  • Representing Polish Airlines in 13 court cases brought by the client against the Data Protection Authority.

PwC Legal Zelaznicki sp.k.

The group at PwC Legal Zelaznicki sp.k. handles data transfers, data breaches, and GDPR matters for a range of clients across the financial, pharmaceutical, energy, and technology industries. Counsel Paulina Komorowska-Mrozik heads up the team and she has expertise in personal data protection, and regularly represents clients in proceedings before the Polish Data Protection Authority.

Practice head(s):

Paulina Komorowska-Mrozik

Other key lawyers:

Mateusz Fittkau

Key clients

PKN Orlen S.A.

Benefit Systems S.A.

Booksy International sp. z o.o.

Link Group

Unilab LP

Merck KgaA

Fundacja Drzewo i Jutro

Sennheiser Global Services sp. z o.o.

Leoni Kabel sp. z o.o.

Work highlights

  • Assisted Unilab LP with a comprehensive due diligence review.
  • Advising Link Group on ongoing personal data protection matters.


SSW possesses ‘extensive knowledge of GDPR in the energy sector’, with other industries of activity for the group including the financial sector, FMCG, e-commerce, IT, and crypto. Agnieszka Witaszek now leads the team after joining the firm from an in-house position at the beginning of 2024, following the departure of previous practice head Katarzyna Szczudlik to Schoenherr Halwa sp.k. in January 2024.

Practice head(s):

Agnieszka Witaszek


‘SSW’s data privacy and data protection practice is very professional with extensive knowledge of GDPR in the energy sector. We can rely on the lawyers’ opinions and advice as they are keeping their eyes on changing GDPR rules and regulations on a national and international level.

‘The practice follows the best new trends in legaltech. They introduce AI tools in their work. They make their clients feel secure and in good hands.’

Key clients

iDeals Solutions Group Limited

Axpo Polska sp. z o.o.


FVC Management Consultants Cyprus LTD

Medmetrix Sp. z o.o.

Supravis Group S.A.

Work highlights

  • Advised a payment-processing corporation on the privacy aspects of the acquisition of a payment initiation service company.
  • Assisting a Polish company which is part of an omni-channel sports betting and gaming group with a GDPR compliance audit.
  • Representing a multinational oil and gas corporation in proceedings before a Polish supervisory authority concerning data privacy violation.

WKB Lawyers

WKB Lawyers‘s multi-disciplinary team includes experts from the firm’s IT, life sciences, competition, banking, and IP groups, and it supports clients on large projects regarding data processing and the migration of data. Agnieszka Wiercińska-Krużewska sits at the helm of the department and she regularly supports TV content producers and broadcasters with day-to-day and contractual matters.

Practice head(s):

Agnieszka Wiercińska-Krużewska

Other key lawyers:

Małgorzata Skórska; Paulina Maślak


‘The associates as well as the partners are very attentive and responsive. The knowledge is up-to-date.’

‘Paulina Maślak is a stand-out. She guided us during the whole process.’

‘The firm is very professional and provides comprehensive client service. It uses various forms of communication in dealing with clients.’

Key clients

Polski Bank Komórek Macierzystych

Work highlights

  • Advising Polski Bank Komórek Macierzystych as its Data Protection Officer.