Deal breaker to deal maker | Lawyers as dealmakers

William Weisel, former GC of four publicly-traded, multinational high-tech companies in Israel (Scitex Corporation, ADC Teledata, Gilat Satellite Networks and Lumenis), unpicks the stereotype of “lawyers as deal breakers”, explaining how corporate counsel can re-brand as deal makers.

As the ship went down | Law firm failures

When a law firm collapses, it’s not just the partners that risk being left high and dry. General counsel need to think carefully about a contingency plan should their chosen adviser face a shutdown.

The man who invented management | What Peter Drucker means to GCs

Peter Drucker pioneered the study of management as a discipline. The very fact that we are discussing adding strategic value and getting closer to business colleagues is a direct result of his work. Catherine McGregor explores his relevance to GCs and legal departments.