Focus on… Xerox | GC talks to Xerox
GC sits down with Xerox to discuss their expanding legal mandate and innovative approach to document solutions.
GC sits down with Xerox to discuss their expanding legal mandate and innovative approach to document solutions.
What does your organisation need from its in-house lawyers? And is that you?
Artificial Intelligence is the engine of the fourth industrial revolution and is set to shake up society as we know it – from economics and the law through to work and income – no sector is immune. GC spoke to thought leaders from the world of politics, law, business and academia for their views on the artificial revolution and whether we’re heading for utopia or dystopia.
Ton van den Bosch heads the legal team for Manila-headquartered cargo container terminals owner ICTSI. He gives GC his thoughts on successfully managing a global team present across often volatile, frontier markets.
In the first in a series of inspiring events, four speakers with very different experiences and personalities, yet with similar underlying tones, offered our audience of in-house lawyers a valuable insight into the perspective of some creative business leaders.
Ellis Watson is CEO of DC Thomson Publishing, and has been CEO or a main board director for a range of international companies – First Group, Syco, Celador TV, and a director at News International. At our London-based Enterprise GC conference, he gave what can only be termed a barnstorming keynote, advocating that general counsel embrace what they do best and make a true difference to their company as a key part of the leadership team.
MasterCard’s Tim Murphy discusses his return to legal after ten years in business roles.
The Chinese economy has been the engine for prosperity during a period of unprecedented growth in Asia over the past decade. But a marked slowdown is tempering confidence in the fiscal prospects for the region as a whole and producing a more stringent regulatory environment. GC spoke with leading in-house counsel in the region to test the sentiment on the ground and learn how they were dealing with the new challenges.
The two largest economies in the South Pacific have been remarkably stable through the GFC, but are there troubling waters ahead? GC speaks to some of the region’s leading in-house counsel to find out.
The inaugural Enterprise GC event brought together some of the brightest in-house legal minds from across the United Kingdom at Syon Park, for two days of discussions, key-notes and shared learnings to address the evolving needs of General Counsel in the contemporary business and legal environment.