After 20 years practicing law – from her first in-house role at US Foods to her current role at Denny’s – Myers is well qualified to observe that more needs to be done to embed DE&I in the legal profession.
Over the last two years, companies and law firms have been quick to pledge their commit-ment to diversity, equity and inclusion. GC investigates if these DE&I efforts are seeing re-sults.
Ashley Page, SVP and chief compliance officer at Endeavor, speaks to The Legal 500 about diversity and inclusion.
Rick Sinkfield believes that education can transform not just individuals, but societies. He discusses his work in making affordable, high-quality education accessible to all.
Phyllis Harris, GC and chief compliance officer at American Red Cross, speaks to The Legal 500 about diversity and inclusion.
With over 20 years of experience in-house, Wanji Walcott reflects on the ingredients for a successful legal career, and her passion for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.