Imagine for a moment that traffic rules required every motorist and pedestrian to self-report any violation of traffic rules. If you violate any traffic rule, you have to inform the traffic police by filing an online report within 12 (twelve) hours of the violation. After you report, you will receive a suitable punishment, which could be a fine or imprisonment or both. The traffic police department may also publicise your violation, at its discretion, either by posting details of your violation on the traffic police department’s website or by ordering you to stick a notice containing details of your violation on an outer wall of your dwelling or both. In case you fail to report and your violation is detected through any other means, be it a security camera or on account of any other motorist or pedestrian reporting an incident, you shall also, in addition to the penalty for your violation, be penalised for the failure to report.

Self-Reporting a Personal Data Breach – [Download pdf]

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