The Procedure and Requirements for Obtaining a Telecommunication License in Nigeria
Introduction Telecommunication licenses are indispensable for any entity wishing to provide communication services in Nigeria.
Procedures For Setting up a Holding, Consortium, and a Group of Companies in Nigeria
Introduction: Establishing a holding company, consortium, or group of companies in Nigeria involves navigating specific legal frameworks set out by the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) 2020.
Merger and Acquisition in Nigeria: The Legal Procedure and Guidelines
Introduction Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are critical strategies employed by companies to enhance their market position, achieve economies of scale, and diversify their operations.
Debt Recovery in Nigeria: The Effective Strategies and Stages
Introduction Debt recovery refers to the process of collecting money owed by individuals or corporations.
Trademark Law in Nigeria: A Guide to Registration, Infringement and Enforcement
What are the principal legislations regulating trademarks in Nigeria? The following laws are the relevant pieces of trade mark legislation in Nigeria:
The Breakdown Of CAC Share Capital Threshold For Company Registration In Nigeria
Company registration in Nigeria in certain industries and economic sectors are govern by statues and other regulations in force that stipulate a minimum share capital threshold before a company can be successfully registered in Nigeria and commence business operation.
The Breakdown of Licenses and Permits Essential for Business Operation in Nigeria
Introduction Operating a business in Nigeria requires various licenses and permits, which are vital for legal compliance and smooth functioning.
The Checklists Of Regulatory Compliance Required Of A Registered Business Entity (Company) In Nigeria.
Regulatory Compliance involves the process of adhering to relevant laws, regulations, procedures, guidelines and other rules issued by the government or governing authorities.
Doing Business in Nigeria: A Guide to Foreign Investors
Nigeria is a developing capitalist economy. Free enterprise is the norm but there are some important sectors like Electricity and Water that are partially owned and controlled by the government.
Types of Fintech Licenses Required for Operation in Nigeria
Introduction Financial technology, generally referred to as “Fintech”, is a thriving business that applies technology.