Patent or utility model. How to protect inventions
In the context of rapidly evolving innovations and globalization of markets, more and more inventors and companies face the need to protect the results of their intellectual activity in a timely manner and with informed choices.
How to use photographic works on the Internet without infringing the author’s rights
In our practice in the field of intellectual property and protection of copyright and related rights, we more and more often encounter various cases in which photographic works are used on the Internet by third parties other than the authors or the copyright holders. We witness how some users perceive someone else’s works available in …
What do the owners of a Startup need to know in order to protect their most important asset – intel
Every owner and creator of a Startup company carries a lot of irons in the fire: He has to successfully manage various relationships – from those with partners, business angels, investors, mentors, funds, developers, creators, marketers to those with employees and partners.
The right freely to exercise an economic activity, the obligation for loyalty and the prohibition of
The rights and obligations of the partners in a limited liability company (Ltd.) is always an interesting and very controversial topic, both in theory and in case law and doctrine. Today it is impossible to imagine the economy without the existence of a limited liability company as the most preferred form for the implementation of …
Bank loans and renegotiation conditions after lifting the state of emergency
As part of the measures taken to cope with the adverse economic consequences of the state of emergency, introduced by the National Assembly on March 13, 2020, the Association of Banks in Bulgaria came up with a specific proposal for the introduction of the so-called “Private moratorium” on credit payments. The set out rules are …
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COVID-19 and force majeure within the meaning of the Commercial Act
Almost two months after the state of emergency has been introduced, the initial stress of the current situation and immediate fear of the disease itself has given way to the justified concerns about the effects that the anti-epidemic measures will have on the economy and trade in the short and long term.
COVID-19 and force majeure within the meaning of the Commercial Act
Almost two months after the state of emergency has been introduced, the initial stress of the current situation and immediate fear of the disease itself has given way to the justified concerns about the effects that the anti-epidemic measures will have on the economy and trade in the short and long term.
Procedural and other deadlines during a state of emergency
It took out legislator two weeks to revise and amend the quickly adopted Act on emergency measures and actions (AEMA), announced by a decision of the National Assembly of March 13, 2020, whose initial provisions gave rise to a wide variety of interpretations and ambiguities regarding its application.
What are the possibilities and the restrictions after the end of the state of emergency on 14.05.20
Hours before the official end of the state of emergency declared in the country, the Acton Amendments and Supplements to the Health Act was promulgated in the State Gazette. The amendments aim to regulate anti-epidemic measures after the lifting of the state of emergency as of 14.05.2020.
Is the measure 60/40 the first breath of fresh air for the business?
As the pandemic progresses, it is understandable why the public attention is focused not only on the health aspects of the spread of COVID-19, but also on the economic impact of the crisis, both nationally and internationally.