Find out more about anti-corruption regulation in Ukraine and its compliance with international anti-corruption law, the latest amendments to Ukrainian anti-corruption legislation, as well as activities of Ukrainian anti-corruption bodies in special report prepared by Managing Partner, Attorney at law Valentyn Gvozdiy.
Foreign companies doing business in Ukraine in 2021: tax issues to consider
In the middle of 2020, significant tax reform was introduced in Ukraine. The newly adopted changes aim at implementing the BEPS plan into Ukrainian legislation and can influence significantly the presence of foreign business here.
New Mode of Corporate Governance: One-Tier Boards to be Introduced in Ukraine
Businesses all around the world face enormous challenges due to pandemic. Good governance is in demand like never before. Both public and private companies have recognized that corporate governance affects directly their financial performance and long-term development. The governments have seen the value in well-governed companies too, and thus they cooperate with business in updating …
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The new special economic zone for IT business in Ukraine: “Diia City” in details
The new ambitious project of the Ukrainian government “Diia City” has been presented in the summer this year as a concept of a special legal framework for IT industry. The initiative was reflected in several draft laws, but some have been rejected already. Currently the draft law #4303 with its alternative versions #4303-1, #4303-2 is …
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Esport is a new niche in IT sector of Ukraine
Nowadays, few of us could be surprised by the scale of the esport industry development. Hundreds of thousands of tournaments’ live views, millions of dollars in prize pool and advertising revenue are constantly promoting esport in the world and in Ukraine in particular. The recent privatization of the Dnipro Hotel, which will include an esport …
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Ukrainian banks vs unfair corporate debtors: the recent context
Non-performing loans (NPL) are one of the most popular types of credit contract breaches that substantially distorts the economy of any country and damages the health of the banking system as a whole. In Ukraine, the issue is especially acute: nearly a half the of credit portfolio of Ukrainian banks is non-performing.
Ukrainian Code of Corporate Governance: new guidance for private companies
In the last five years, there has been a revolution in corporate governance in Ukraine. Starting with establishment of Supervisory boards in state – owned enterprises and ending with huge interest from private companies and all business owners; corporate governance has become a trend. Whether it is right or wrong, it is likely to continue. …
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Tax reform 2020: How to prepare for the change
The majority of the latest tax changes in Ukraine are based on the best tax experience throughout the world, especially on the BEPS Plan which Ukraine undertakes to implement. The Tax reform prescribes novelties to transfer pricing rules; new rules for preventing from double tax treaties abuse; new rules for preventing from avoidance of the …
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Is there still any future for renewable energy in Ukraine?
In the summer of 2020, Ukraine’s renewable energy market underwent another string of changes, this time mainly because of the ���green” tariff reduction. After more than six months of negotiations, “green” energy investors and the government managed to reach some consensus on how to protect the market against the default of the State Enterprise Guaranteed …
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The foreign investor in Ukrainian large-scale privatization
In recent years, privatization has risen as a priority for the government of Ukraine. Fundamental to these efforts was the enactment of a law abolishing a list of over 1,000 state-owned enterprises that were not permitted to be privatized. This has removed the last major barriers for launching full-scale privatization.