A. Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) or equivalent programme?
Ireland applies fully and has done so for many years, the EU authorised economic operator programme. There are two types of AEO status: (i) AEO authorisation for customs simplifications; and (ii) AEO authorisation for safety and security. An economic operator can hold both types of authorisations.
Applications for AEO status must be made through the eAEO EU Trader Portal. However, Irish Revenue carries out the evaluation, which involves a visit to the premises covered by the application.
For full details of the requirements in order to obtain AEO status, see Revenue Tax and Duty Manual An Introduction to Authorised Economic Operators (AEO) (last reviewed August 2023).
B. Mutual recognition arrangements (MRAs) with other jurisdictions in relation to their AEO programmes?
The EU has concluded and implemented Mutual Recognition of AEO programmes with Norway, Switzerland, Japan, Moldova, the US, China and United Kingdom. Further negotiations are currently taking place or will be launched in the near future with the other most important trading partners. In addition, the EU is providing technical assistance to a number of countries to prepare them to set up AEO programmes.
For more information, see Europa: Mutual Recognition. https://taxation-customs.ec.europa.eu/customs-4/aeo-authorised-economic-operator/mutual-recognition_en
Additionally on the 13th of November 2023, the EU announced the new ‘Access2Conformity’ tool which will allow EU exporters large and small to reduce red tape by making better use of the EU’s Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs) with third countries. See: https://policy.trade.ec.europa.eu/news/eu-launches-tool-help-exporters-seize-benefits-mutual-recognition-agreements-2023-11-13_en
More particularly Access2Conformity, integrated into the Access2Markets portal, will help EU exporters identify where in the EU they can perform product testing and certification when exporting to certain third countries (namely Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, the United States, and Switzerland). For example, the EU exporter mentioned above could check if their product can benefit from the existing agreement with Canada, which provides for acceptance of test results and certificates by EU Member State CABs
C. Suspension of duties on any goods imports (for example, for goods for which there is no domestic production)?
Under Article 31 of TFEU, the Council can approve autonomous tariff suspensions and by acting on a qualified majority on the basis of a Commission proposal. The Suspensions Regulation ((EU) 2021/2278) and Regulation (EU) 2021/2283 lists the goods currently under suspension.
The EU have updated and provided more information on suspensions which can be found at https://taxation-customs.ec.europa.eu/customs-4/calculation-customs-duties/customs-tariff/suspensions-autonomous-tariff-suspensions_en
As regards Ireland, see https://enterprise.gov.ie/en/what-we-do/trade-investment/eu-tariff-suspension-and-quota-scheme/ and for guidance on the application see https://enterprise.gov.ie/en/what-we-do/trade-investment/eu-tariff-suspension-and-quota-scheme/guidelines-for-completion-of-tariff-suspension-quota-application/
D. Allowing goods imports valued below a certain amount to enter duty free (de minimis shipments)?
Relief from customs duty is available under Regulation (EC) 1186/2009 setting a Community system of reliefs from customs duty.
Any consignments made up of goods of negligible value dispatched directly from a third country to a consignee in the Community must be admitted free of import duties (Article 23(1), Regulation (EC) 1186/2009).
“Goods of negligible value” means goods with an intrinsic value of up to EUR150 per consignment (Article 23(2), Regulation (EC) 1186/2009).
This does not apply to: (i) Alcoholic products (ii) Perfumes and toilet waters (iii) Tobacco or tobacco products (Article 24, Regulation (EC) 1186/2009)
For more information, see Revenue: https://www.revenue.ie/en/customs/individuals/relief-gifts-low-value/rules-consignments.aspx