Covid-19: Emergency Situation Regime in Ukraine

DLF attorneys-at-law | View firm profile

On 25 March 2020, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine resolved at its meeting to introduce the emergency situation regime throughout the country for 30 days.

The emergency situation regime involves informing the population, creating an organizational structure, coordinating the actions to be taken by all government authorities and those of emergency response, monitoring and identifying the area of epidemic spread.

Introducing the emergency situation regime does not imply the government interference in managing private companies or restrictions on the citizens’ rights and freedoms, but it does impose certain responsibilities, in particular:

  • to comply with the rules of conduct, safety and actions in the emergency situations;
  • to prevent violations of industrial and technological discipline, requirements of environmental safety, labour protection;
  • to take the measures aimed at rescuing the population and property, until a rescue unit arrives;
  • to adhere to the anti-epidemic and radiation protection regimes;

Among the restrictive measures, which may be imposed in the emergency situation, it should be noted as follows:

  • to introduce a special order for distribution of food and basic necessities;
  • to change the operation mode of the companies (enterprises), institutions, organizations of all forms of ownership; to reorient them to manufacture the products required in the emergency conditions; to make other changes in the production activities required to perform the emergency rescue and restoration work;
  • to mobilize and utilize the resources of the companies (enterprises), institutions and organizations, irrespective of their form of ownership in order to prevent the danger and eliminate the emergencies with an obligatory indemnification against the losses as incurred by them;
  • to temporarily prohibit construction of new, expansion of existing companies (enterprises) and other facilities, activity of which is not connected with the elimination of an emergency situation or ensuring the vital activity of the population and emergency rescue units.

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