fivehundred magazine > Hall of fame: Paul Pohl > Paul Pohl

Paul Pohl

Paul Pohl discusses how Jones Day LLP is adapting to changing client needs.

What has been your greatest achievement, in a professional and personal capability?


Getting an injunction for religious objectors against the Affordable Care Act’s contraception mandate in Zubik v. Burwell;

Becoming the Head of Jones Day’s Business and Tort Litigation Group.

Personal (Excluding family happiness – wife, kids, grandkids)

Being honored by The U.S. Marine Corps at a Sunset Parade in Washington, DC;

Honorary Doctorate from The Franciscan University of Steubenville;

Chairman of the 2007 U.S. Open Golf Championship;

Having a lot of friends, especially my classmates from Princeton’s Class of 1970.

What do you do differently from your peers in the industry?

Always remembering that we lawyers are basically in a client service business. Clients have choices. There are plenty of great lawyers out there they could turn to, so I not only have to get great results for them but be responsive to clients demands and deliver great work at a fair price. And always, prove that I am trustworthy and never arrogant.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Make more time to work out. Stay in better shape. Litigation and long trials are stressful and the hours are physically demanding.

Can you give me a practical example of how you helped a client add value to the business?

Prefer not to comment – attorney client privilege concerns.

Within your sector, what do you think will be the biggest challenge for clients over the next 12 months?

Cyber and public nuisance cases.