Mr Morten Sandli > Advokatfirmaet Schjødt > Oslo, Norway > Lawyer Profile

Advokatfirmaet Schjødt
Tordenskiolds gate 12
P.O. Box 2444 Solli
NO-0201 Oslo
Morten Sandli photo

Work Department





English, Norwegian

Lawyer Rankings

Norway > Tax

The ‘highly skilled and very knowledgeable team‘ at Advokatfirmaet Schjødt assists Norwegian and international corporations and investors with inbound and outbound tax issues, and has particular expertise in tax litigation, corporate real estate work and petroleum taxes. Practice head Morten Platou specialises in national and international taxation, while Morten Sandli is praised as ‘unparalleled in the Norwegian market‘ in tax and corporate law, and Cecilie Amdahl has extensive experience in cross-border matters. The group also includes the ‘exceptionally knowledgeableHugo Matre, indirect tax expert Trond Larsen, and Jana Johnsen, who specialises in national and international tax.