Hugh Jones Solicitors > Manchester, England > Firm Profile

Hugh Jones Solicitors
M3 7BD

Private client > Personal tax, trusts and probate Tier 1

A leading player in Court of Protection work, Hugh Jones Solicitors is regularly appointed as deputies to act on the behalf of vulnerable individuals. Name partner Hugh Jones specilaises in mental capacity work, as well as complex asset tracing and financial abuse investigation work; he routinely works alongside Chris Gallagher, who is well versed in Lasting Powers of Attorney issues, the appointment and removal of deputies, as well as a broad range of property and affairs applications. The team has recently bolstered its capacity for a full-service, with the arrival of Jill Rushton from Stephensons Solicitors LLP, a move which expands the already strong private client team, headed by Charlotte Crawford. Managing director Elizabeth Hughes continues to oversee the practice’s Court of Protection work, including complex clinical negligence cases, while Catherine Oakes is actively involved in mental capacity and personal injury issues.

Practice head(s):

Elizabeth Hughes; Chris Gallagher; Charlotte Crawford

Other key lawyers:


‘Very friendly and approachable. The firm possesses a high level of expertise. Certainty one of the leading private client and court of protection practices. We trust them with our court of protection and private client work knowing that they will provide our clients with the highest possible level of service.’

‘Chris Gallagher has an excellent level of knowledge in his area of expertise. Client focused, approachable and always willing to go that extra mile.

‘They are excellent in helping people to manage their finances. They allow people as much freedom as possible to do so. They are careful when they spend client money but generous to client requests at the same time. They are a well-oiled machine and the treat each client as if they are the only client. I can highly recommend them.’

‘Excellent team to be used as expert witnesses in catastrophic injury cases where there is a lack of capacity and the Claimant is a protected person. Experienced in providing expert evidence to the court as to the fact of capacity and the likely costs of the deputy in the Court of Protection.’

‘I have known Hugh Jones for many years, first working with him just when I was starting my career as a Court of Protection specialist. As well as being an excellent lawyer, Hugh has always been focused on the client and genuinely cares about outcomes. He is also able to build an excellent rapport with clients, leading to long standing relationships that he carries through to this day.’

‘Charlotte Crawford is my contact solicitor. Both in my role as a trustee and for personal matters she has always been patient and understanding but also efficient and professional.’

‘Our organisation has worked with Hugh Jones Solicitors for a number of years and this is because of their level of professionalism and expertise in the field of deputyships and Court of Protection. They have supported us in supporting many vulnerable adults as professional deputy. Their service is prompt, friendly, professional and exceptional at all times – they are on hand for support and advice when needed.’

‘I instruct Elizabeth Hughes for the purposes of deputyship witness statements for costings on my high value brain injury claims and instruct her as an independent expert on behalf of NHS Trusts. Her attention to detail, reliability, efficiency and responsiveness is excellent and she is easy to work with.’

Work highlights

Based in Manchester, this practice is the largest independent, specialist Court of Protection and mental capacity practice in the UK. Services include professional deputyships, Court of Protection applications, community care funding, welfare advice, judicial review, wills, trusts and estates advice for private clients, expert witness work and consultancy – clients are based across the UK.

The firm: Hugh Jones Solicitors is a niche firm –  a nationally recognised leader in the Court of Protection field.

The ethos of the firm is caring and compassionate, and it is committed to providing first-class and cost-effective services to all its clients.

2023 marked our 10-year anniversary and a decade of exciting achievements. Led by the vision of our founder, Hugh Jones, we’ve grown to a team of 75, extended our office twice and are working with clients based all over the country.

Hugh Jones Solicitors is a leading specialist Court of Protection and Private Client firm, winner of a number of awards: 

National profile and reputation as leader in the field in vulnerable client work.  Specialist practice focussed on Court of Protection work and Private Client work only;  we are often referred cases by the Court where the previous deputy (including other solicitors) have been removed and an investigation is needed in the former deputy’s management of clients’ property and finances. We are referred work by:

  • QCs  and the judiciary
  • OPG Panel
  • Non-specialist solicitor firms
  • Local Authorities
  • Charities

Widely acknowledged as leaders in the field – quality and rigour of our work, as complimented by the OPG in their latest report on our work:

‘The visitor found a level of commitment and professionalism greater than he has observed in any of the other professional Deputy firms which he has visited. ‘

 Private client – trusts and estates: The last 12 months has seen a notable growth/development in our Private Client team, lead by  head of team, Charlotte Crawford, who is a member of the Law Society Private Client Committee and external hires, with 9 lawyers now in the team.

The team specialises working with families with disabled family members, including the management of family trusts.

The firm understands and adapts to the special challenges faced by disabled and vulnerable clients, particularly those with impaired mental capacity, their families and advisers.

As a panel deputy, Hugh Jones accepts many complex cases, including pro bono matters and work referred by the Court of Protection, selecting Hugh for his specific expertise, even on cases out of his immediate area. The Court of Protection team, headed  Chris Gallagher, specialises in financial professional deputyship work, as well as stand-alone applications including financial abuse investigations, contentious matters, those with an international element and judicial review work, advising on local authorities’ duty to fund.

Hugh Jones, Liz Hughes, Jill Rushton and Catherine Eassom are all in demand as expert witnesses in serious injury litigation.

Department Name Email Telephone
Managing Director Elizabeth Hughes 0161 871 3680
Operations Director Jenny Roberts 0161 871 3680
Court of Protection Chris Gallagher 0161 871 3680
Private Client Charlotte Crawford 0161 871 3680
Expert Witness Margaret Christodoulou 0161 871 3680
Expert Witness Catherine Eassom 0161 871 3680
Photo Name Position Profile
Katherine Forster photo Miss Katherine Forster Kate is a Senior Associate Solicitor and is the firm’s expert residential conveyancing…
Chris Gallagher photo Mr Chris Gallagher Chris is the Head of the Court of Protection team and a…
Ariella Jones photo Ms Ariella Jones Ariella joined our Court of Protection team in April 2024 as an…
Photo Name Position Profile
Samantha Brockelhurst photo Ms Samantha Brockelhurst Samantha joined Hugh Jones Solicitors Private Client team in September 2020. Samantha…
Charlotte Crawford photo Mrs Charlotte Crawford Charlotte is an experienced solicitor, Director and Head of our Private Client…
Rachel Dobson photo Mrs Rachel Dobson Rachel is a solicitor and former Managing Director of Hugh Jones Solicitors…
Rachel  Duxbury photo Ms Rachel Duxbury Rachel is a Senior Associate Solicitor and a member of the Expert…
Catherine Eassom photo Ms Catherine Eassom Catherine is the Head of our Expert Witness Team.  She is a…
Emma Hanvere photo Ms Emma Hanvere mma is a solicitor in our Private Client team, having qualified in…
Elizabeth Hughes photo Ms Elizabeth Hughes Liz Hughes  joined Hugh Jones Solicitors when we started in 2013.  She…
Hugh Jones photo Mr Hugh Jones Hugh Jones is a nationally recognised leader in his field of Court…
David Jones photo Mr David Jones David is a Director in the Court of Protection team David has…
Fiona Ludkin photo Ms Fiona Ludkin Fiona is a Senior Associate Solicitor with years of experience in all…
Tania McGrory photo Mrs Tania McGrory Tania is a Senior Associate Solicitor who joined the Hugh Jones Solicitors…
Kirsty Morley photo Ms Kirsty Morley Kirsty is a Senior Associate solicitor in our Court of Protection team…
Kirsty Nickson photo Ms Kirsty Nickson Kirsty joined the Court of Protection Team in June 2021. She initially…
Jenny Roberts photo Mrs Jenny Roberts Jenny is a Operations and Compliance Director, having joined the firm in…
Jill Rushton photo Ms Jill Rushton Jill is a Director at Hugh Jones Solicitors, joining the firm in…
Lashay Williams photo Mrs Lashay Williams Lashay joined the Private Client team and qualified as a Solicitor in…
Number of UK partners : 8
Number of other UK fee-earners : 35
Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP)
Law Society of England and Wales
Solicitors for the Elderly (SFE)

We encourage equality of opportunity and respect for diversity, seek to prevent unlawful discrimination in our relationships with each other, our clients, our suppliers and generally.

Our aim is to seek to avoid discrimination in relation to age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation, in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.

We expect every member of Hugh Jones Solicitors to contribute to compliance with these requirements, for example by treating each other and clients fairly and with respect, by embedding such values in our workplace and by challenging inappropriate behaviour and processes. Diversity and inclusion training has always been part of our training programme, based on real life challenges and situations, most recently on prevention and reporting of workplace harassment.

We will make sure that in delivering our services we will make adjustments to ensure that disabled clients, employees or managers are not placed at a substantial disadvantage compared to those who are not disabled, and we will not pass on the costs of these adjustments to these disabled clients, employees or managers. For example our premises are accessible at ground floor level, with parking immediately adjacent and we have disabled toilet facilities on the ground floor level and we often visit clients at home.

We will ensure that our recruitment and employment practices encourage equality of opportunity and respect for diversity. For example we welcome applications for flexible working and advertise our vacancies on a broad basis to encourage a wide range of applicants.

We will ensure that all employees have equal access to training and promotions, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

We promote equality and diversity both for our clients and our employees including

  • Special pages on our website for clients living with dementia.
  • Our entire site can be read in large print.
  • We have been involved for many years with the Dementia Friends movement and a member of our firm is a Dementia Champion and the majority of employees are Dementia Friends.
  • We provide a regular programme of free talks and information for community groups.

During the pandemic we have surveyed our employees to understand their preferred working arrangements and the reasons behind these, e.g., to support mental health, improve work/life balance.

This feedback has been used to review our employee contracts, adding a right to work at home and to meet the requests of 50% of staff for flexible start and finish times. 90% of our staff have working arrangements which include working from home so that we can reap the benefits of homeworking discovered in lockdown – more family time, more time for sport or switching off – essential for physical and mental health.

The majority of employees including directors are female. Over the last year we have increased the proportion of our employees who are of non-white ethnic background, now 13% of the total as part of a proactive program to widen our application pool and offer an internal development programme which offers employees from all backgrounds and educational opportunity to reach highest levels in the firm.

WORK: Professional Deputyship
TESTIMONIAL: Hugh Jones Solicitors have provided my brain injured son and us as a family, a comprehensive and fair service. We are always given the option to be involved when big decisions need to be made and they are very pragmatic in approach, always using common sense in the decision making process. Highly recommended if you are in the unfortunate position of needing a professional to manage the money of somebody who is lacking in capacity to make their own financial decisions.

WORK: Professional Deputyship
TESTIMONIAL: with regards to Hugh Jones Solicitors, who since 2012 have acted as deputy for my son. We must say they have been outstanding in that role, and the people we deal with we look on as friends. We have met then personally which is very important. They were there in the early stages when you need them most. And they are there now if and when we need them. I personally don’t sing peoples praises easily, but the team that we have are outstanding always there if we need them.

WORK: Professional Deputyship
TESTIMONIAL: Dealing with a child with an acquired Brain Injury as a result of a RTA at the age of seven has without doubt its own trials and tribulations, as the child grows from childhood to a young man and on to adulthood and fatherhood so does the trials and tribulations. As a family with a son now aged 39 we have been fortunate to have been advised and guided by Hugh Jones of Hugh Jones Solicitors and his team throughout the years. Hugh was appointed as my sons Court of Protection Deputy and has assisted and guided us through the very complex issues that prevail following such an injury. Hugh has gained the respect and trust of our son over the years and his professional no nonsense approach to his duties in representing our son has helped defused many unpleasant situations that have occurred.

Hugh’s team that we deal with on a regular basis all seem to be driven by the same approach to their duties and strive to ensure that the wellbeing of our son is of paramount importance in any decision made. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Hugh Jones for his technical knowledge and guidance and to his team especially Chris Gallagher who has spent many years getting to know our son and his needs. It is without doubt that we would not have achieved the success we have without the hard work and attentiveness of all involved, and we once again thank each of them for their dedication to our son.

WORK: Expert Witness
TESTIMONIAL: I have used Hugh Jones solicitors for a number of years to prepare professional deputy reports for clinical negligence cases and have always found them to be excellent, both in terms of the content of their reports themselves and in their handling of the process. In recent times I have primarily dealt with Rebecca Brown, though I have also used other individuals at the firm.

WORK: Professional Deputyship
TESTIMONIAL: Darren’s work is top notch, he is quick to respond and gets things done, he is amazing.

WORK: Professional Deputyship
TESTIMONIAL: We are very happy with the work that your firm has done for us in all areas. We feel that you and your staff are very conscientious and very expert in the work you undertake as well as being courteous and pleasant.

WORK: COP Dispute
TESTIMONIAL: Just a very quick note to say a massive thank you to you all for your tremendous efforts over recent weeks and months in respect of this case. I was so relieved to finally see justice done and the right decision reached, in the judge’s excellent and comprehensive judgement. I hadn’t realised until the end of the case what a stressful burden all this has been on me for the last few years – and especially since I became aware of the new wills (2015 and 2017). I am feeling somewhat drained but very, very relieved this evening. I’m truly grateful to you all for your dedication and professionalism throughout all of this. Please pass my thanks on to those in your teams

WORK: Professional Deputyship
TESTIMONIAL: We thank you for your support, understanding and incredible service you always provide to our family. You’re truly wonderful and it never ever goes unnoticed.

WORK: Professional Deputyship
TESTIMONIAL: Thank you very much for all your patience and support over the last couple of years. We truly appreciate it.

WORK: Expert Witness
TESTIMONIAL: I have always received the most professional and efficient service from Hugh Jones Solicitors. Rebecca Brown is extremely knowledgeable and good to work with

WORK: COP Dispute
TESTIMONIAL: I was delighted with the service I received from Chris Gallagher of Hugh Jones in relation to a case regarding a disputed statutory will of an elderly relative. He rapidly got to grips with the details of the case and was helpful and responsive in proposing how we should approach the case and in dealing with the Official Solicitor and with other parties on my behalf. He found an excellent barrister and ensured she was fully briefed for the case – where we secured a positive outcome. I would be happy to recommend Chris to others in the future.

WORK: Professional Deputyship
TESTIMONIAL: Very friendly and professional, Jenny was always available.

Work: Grant of Probate
TESTIMONIAL: Very well done! Thank you, Staff are very accommodating and kind. I am so very satisfied. Thank you!

WORK: Private Client
TESTIMONIAL: Advice clear and concise and felt explained to me in terms which I could understand. Highly professional. Always able to leave a message and always received swift response. Unreservedly I would highly recommend with confidence. Just a vote of confidence and my thanks always for the care and courtesy extended.

WORK: Will
TESTIMONIAL: Prompt replies to any query via e-mail and constantly kept up to date.

CLIENT: Mr and Mrs P
WORK: Will
TESTIMONIAL: Clear, Appropriate, entirely helpful, courteous and efficient. Max Points, truly excellent.

WORK: Will
TESTIMONIAL: Good advice was given at every level. The service was good. I cannot thank you enough for getting me through a very difficult time. I had no problem, always made contact, I would recommend Tania anytime. She was very good at dealing with everything.

WORK: Will
TESTIMONIAL: Everything was clearly explained. Charlotte always responded to my emails and was very helpful. Great service and expertise that met my needs.

CLIENT: Mr and Mrs S
WORK: Will
TESTIMONIAL: We were extremely happy with Charlotte and the work she did producing our Wills and we wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Charlotte to any family members or friends in the future.

CLIENT: Mr and Mrs V
WORK: Will
TESTIMONIAL: Charlotte is extremely knowledgeable and helped us think about things we might want to put in our wills that we wouldn’t have thought of. She is very reassuring and friendly. Very easy to talk to and available when I needed her. Charlotte is an excellent solicitor – cannot praise her highly enough.

WORK: Advice
TESTIMONIAL: I am very pleased with all of the help support and advice I was given. Without your help I would have not got closure to the claim. So I thank you from myself and my son. Excellent work and thank you. You went above and beyond to help us in getting the claim sorted out. We could not have done it without your help. Every time I needed help and advice you were always there at the other end of the phone and letters. I would recommend you to anyone who needed help with a situation that we was put in trying to finalise a claim. I would recommend you to anyone who needed help with a situation that we was put in trying to finalise a claim.

WORK: Property
TESTIMONIAL: Thank you. Especially re the advice when the people who bought the house wanted to claim for skip hire after the sale had gone through. I would have paid them, but followed advice and they dropped the claim.

CLIENT: Mr and Mrs Z
WORK: Will
TESTIMONIAL: Very helpful and explained everything well. Did what was required. Very good under the current circumstances (COVID-19).

WORK: Deputyship
TESTIMONIAL: Jenny was extremely helpful to my mum, meeting her myself was very comfortable and she answered every question I had and explained it all well. She was really lovely

WORK: Will
TESTIMONIAL: Fiona explained everything thoroughly in a fashion we could understand. She kept us up to date promptly and I would add in a friendly way.

CLIENT: Mr and Mrs C
WORK: Will
TESTIMONIAL: Excellent advice given – glad I managed to find Hugh Jones Solicitors as they are specialists in this field. It was good that the initial consultation was with Hugh which was good to speak with “top man”. Fiona was always at the other end of the phone to answer queries.

CLIENT: Miss D and Mr D
WORK: Will
TESTIMONIAL: You were able to carry out the work required very efficiently. We had confidence in your expertise in undertaking this work. Very happy with the level of service and speed of response. Always able to contact our responsible lawyer when needed.

WORK: Will
TESTIMONIAL: Total faith in the company, always accessible and friendly but also professional. A firm I have every confidence in that will look after my interests in a friendly yet professional way.

WORK: Will
TESTIMONIAL: I have been very pleased with the legal work that has been carried out for me. Fiona would always get back to me promptly if she wasn’t in the office. Fiona and Lashay have been very helpful and excellent at explaining things. They were also kind and compassionate at which has been a very stressful, upsetting time.

CLIENT: Mr and Mrs I
WORK: Will
TESTIMONIAL: I would like to thank both Charlotte and Kirsty for their service and extreme patience.

CLIENT: David Johnson


TESTIMONIAL: Hugh Jones solicitors have an excellent expert witness team, with in depth knowledge and a wealth of experience on all matters relating to deputyships, including welfare deputyship

CLIENT: Adrian Bull MBE

TESTIMONIAL: I was recommended to contact Hugh Jones by another solicitor’s firm who were not in a position to act for me, and I’m glad I followed their advice. The service I received from Chris Gallagher and the rest of the team was excellent. They rapidly picked up all the details of a complex case involving the disputed will of an elderly relative who suffers with dementia. When the case proceeded to court, they recommended an excellent barrister, who worked with Chris and myself and we were successful in securing the best possible outcome we could have hoped for. At all stages in the process, I was consulted and kept up to date. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Hugh Jones to anyone for legal support.

CLIENT: Desmond Flanagan M.Sc. Ph.D

TESTIMONIAL: I am always happy to recommend Hugh Jones, Solicitors, both for their long-term case management services and the speedy responsiveness with which [they] execute their client’s legal affairs.

CLIENT: Pat Wilson

COMPANY/FIRM:TESTIMONIAL: I have been involved with Hugh Jones solicitors for over twenty years now. I have always been able to contact them easily and Hugh especially has been fantastic.

CLIENT: Leanne Tattam

COMPANY/FIRM: Alderstones Solicitors

TESTIMONIAL: The team at Hugh Jones Solicitors are true experts in the fields of Court of Protection and Private Client work. As such, as Catastrophic Injury Solicitors we know we are putting our clients in the safest of hands when we work alongside them. In addition to being technically brilliant they are down to earth, approachable and able to find solutions when dealing with difficult situations. Many brain injured clients find it difficult to accept they need someone else to manage their finances for them but the team at HJ solicitors are always able to find a way to work with them wherever possible.

CLIENT: Ed Glasgow

COMPANY/FIRM: Kennedys Law

TESTIMONIAL: Both Elizabeth Hughes and Rebecca Brown of Hugh Jones have, in my mind, an established, and respected, reputation in advising on issues concerning personal injury trusts, capacity, deputyships and panel deputyships. We work closely with them on Court of Protection matters and we value their input. They understand the pressures of financial decisions on those involved and they give sensitive, clear and unequivocal advice on the setting up and managing of deputyships within the Court of Protection. A class act.

CLIENT: Ian Long

COMPANY/FIRM: Browne Jacobson

TESTIMONIAL: Hugh Jones is my go-to firm for Court of Protection work. They have great expertise and always provide a fantastic level of service.

CLIENT: Chris Gardner


TESTIMONIAL: The team at Hugh Jones Solicitors has a strong culture to ensure they are delivering the best outcomes for their clients every time. This is evident from the top of the firm to the bottom based on my experience of seeing how they support clients. They are accessible, experienced and knowledgeable in all matters relating to Court of Protection work.

CLIENT: Judith Morgan


TESTIMONIAL: Hugh Jones Solicitors can’t be praised enough in my opinion. Throughout a very difficult time they were and still are one phone call away with clear guidance and support. Every person we have dealt with has been truly professional but always with a very caring persona too, which is so important with sometimes very sensitive issues. I would highly recommend this company to anyone who found themselves needing their help. A truly excellent company.

CLIENT: Alex Marunchak


TESTIMONIAL: They were recommended to me by a partner at Messrs Pannone, another Manchester firm. I have found them thoroughly professional, flexible to my requirements and willing to work long hours. I have no hesitation in recommending them for the meticulous attention they pay to detail whilst at the same time being flexible and accommodating in attitude. Very good firm of solicitors.

CLIENT: Robert Farnworth

COMPANY/FIRM: Brown Shipley

TESTIMONIAL: I work with Hugh Jones Solicitors on a number of client matters and find them to be an absolute pleasure to work with. Everyone I have worked with at Hugh Jones does so with utmost professionalism, whilst also being compassionate and caring towards their clients and their needs. They are efficient and thorough, putting the client at the forefront without exception. I would not hesitate to recommend them to anyone in need of Court of Protection legal services.

CLIENT: Irene Taylor

COMPANY/FIRM: Kennedys Law

TESTIMONIAL: I have used Hugh Jones solicitors for advice on Deputyship/Court of Protection costs for several years in high value clinical negligence claims. The service is excellent as the solicitors and support staff are unfailingly helpful and knowledgeable and very easy to deal with. They can be approached on any relevant topic and provide timely and appropriate advice.

CLIENT: Shaheen Karim

TESTIMONIAL: We were not happy with the previous deputy due to not involving family in decision making and other issues. Hugh Jones solicitors helped me to change the deputy and provided support and guidance throughout the case. My family and I as joint deputy are extremely happy with outstanding service provided by David Jones as professional deputy at Hugh Jones. He is committed to meeting my son’s needs, providing incredible service as well as ensuring he is always just an email/phone call away. David is very easy to talk with and an excellent listener always ensuring my son’s interests are met first. I have found David’s professional guidance invaluable. David is very passionate about his work and genuinely cares for his client’s needs. He is totally supportive and fully committed to providing outstanding care for my son.

CLIENT: Duncan Rutter


TESTIMONIAL: I have instructed Hugh Jones solicitors over a number of years to provide expert evidence in relation to deputyship claims in high value personal injury claims. I have always found them very responsive, highly professional and very skilled and knowledgeable in relation to deputyship issues.

CLIENT: Stella Taylor

TESTIMONIAL: I am very pleased with Hugh Jones solicitors and all of the staff and I would recommend to anyone. I am very happy with their services.

CLIENT: Moya Jackman

TESTIMONIAL: I instructed Hugh Jones because of their expertise in specialist legal work involving The Court of Protection. This was especially important since the application to COP was highly complex and involved detailed report writing and additional professional input regarding mental capacity. My solicitor, David Jones, was professional in his approach and personable in his manner. He was very contactable and prompt in his response and he guided the application through the Official Solicitor to a successful conclusion. I recommend Hugh Jones and would instruct in the future.

CLIENT: Jonathan Taylor


TESTIMONIAL: Well known within Court of Protection legal services, Hugh Jones Solicitors have found a great combination of offering professional and knowledgeable services, but also with a personal touch, that does not forget the individuals involved.