Mr Kai Thøgersen > Wiersholm > Oslo, Norway > Lawyer Profile

0115 OSLO
Kai Thøgersen photo

Work Department

Telecommunication, Corporate/M&A, Company Law, Contract Law, Technology


Partner Kai Thøgersen has extensive national and international experience with providing corporate and strategic advice, contract drafting and negotiations in mergers, acquisitions, capital market transactions and other major restructuring processes. Thøgersen is also an experienced team and negotiation leader, and for more than eight years he was the Managing Partner of one of Norway’s leading law firms. Thøgersen particularly advises technology and telecom companies and is the head of Wiersholm’s dedicated technology, media and communication team.


Partner at Wiersholm since 2014 Managing Partner, Thommessen, 2005-2013 Partner, Thommessen, 1996-2013 Associate, Thommessen, London, 1991-1993 Traineeship, Allen & Overy, 1991 Associate, Thommessen, 1989-1996 Registrar, Skien and Porsgrunn District Court, 1988-1989 Senior Executive Officer, Oslo Tax Office, 1987-1988


Management Development, Harvard Business School, 2008 Admitted to the Supreme Court, 2006 Cand. jur., University of Oslo, 1987

Lawyer Rankings

Norway > TMT

Acting for leading Norwegian and international tech companies and businesses, Wiersholm’s market-leading TMT offering runs the gamut of contentious and non-contentious matters. The group has recently seen increased activity within technology and GDPR, as well as handling broadcasting issues. The ‘especially excellentHans Erik Johnsen has a broad practice acting for service providers, technology developers and media authorities, and Rune Opdahl takes point on data protection and privacy matters, while Anne Marie Sejersted advises clients in the sector on IP and technology matters, Kai Thøgersen handles M&A and corporate matters; the four co-head the practice. At associate level, Theresa Schumacher Walberg is recommended for IT and tech contracts, while Carl Emil Bull-Berg attracts praise for his ‘impressive sector knowledge‘ and data privacy expertise.